Shades of Meaning.

Hello, people of the internet with this new type of blog post I’m just going to be cramming ideas into a post(s)  that just pop into my head and I might make a series about something that I like. A good chunk of my recent blog posts have just been about my Genius Hour project and that makes it seem more like a progress log than a blog about my life and stuff, and I want to change that. I will also be asking you guys in the comments on what stories I should tell or questions to be answered :D. Anyone from my reading class will know what this is but has anyone else reading this heard of shades of meaning? Well even if you do I’m going to be explaining it anyway. So imagine this, you have a horizontal line that goes from least intense emotions all the way to the most intense ones. Now, instead of having each emotion on a dedicated line it goes from it’s a least intense version of that feeling. An example, slightly sad all the way to be what could become very sad or discouraged. This Bar goes from 1 being least intense to 11 being the most intense.

Red Is Anger (Example: Annoyance, on the meter, it can meet up to 1-3 in the intensity level but others like exasperation start at 4-8)

Pink Is Fear(Example: Nervousness, this can be from stage fright, meeting new people, or just being shy or unsure of something. This broad spectrum of emotions could reach all the way from 1-9!)

Orange is enjoyment (Happiness basically) (Example: Amusement, This emotion also varies on how exactly you’re receiving it or giving it (Like everything else), It could be from someone telling a joke or story and making you laugh to you having a blast on a rollercoaster! It goes from 2-8 on the scale.)

Green Is disgust (Example: You feel disgusted towards something that you find repulsive.) 1-6

Blue Is sad Being sad could have many meanings, from being sad that you lost something to be someone dying. (Example: Discouragement a loss of confidence or enthusiasm; dispiritedness. It can go from 2 all the way to 9!) Being sad is a very bad emotion for me and I don’t like it.



One thought on “Shades of Meaning.

  1. Hey Tyler! I like how you explained what number the emotion would be on. I wish you would have put like certain emotions like enthusiastic or something like that. (Sorry not a good example I’m trying to think and type at the same time.) I wonder what emotions are worse than others? Please come to my blog: Thanks -Courtney 🙂

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