My favorite part of the 1st quarter of 4th grade


Posted by youngc150 | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on November 3, 2019

Hi, I will be telling you some things I like about the 1st quarter of 4th grade, and some things I am excited about in the 4th grade future. I like the science projects we have done. I also like how ela and math class is going. The funnest thing about the first quarter of fourth grade is lunch, recess, and win time. I am excited for the groups instead of win time. I am REALLY excited for christmas break. I am also excited for more science projects. That is my favorite 1st quarter of 4th grade and some things I am excited for in the future of 4th grade.

Comments (1)

i wonder what else you like about 4 grade. i wish that i knew what we are going to do in the future.and i like that you like lunch and recess. Bye

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