Daily Quote


Posted by youngc150 | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on February 27, 2020

Here are some questions about the quote “Why fit in when you were born to stand out?” – Dr. Seuss. What does it mean? To be yourself and don’t try to be who you are not. Why is it important? Because it will make your life easier. Why did Mr. Straub choose this quote? So you can take it in and keep it in mind. How will I use this quote in my day? I will keep it in my mind and think of it when I it. Those are some guesses to what the questions mean.


Making a new product


Posted by youngc150 | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on February 24, 2020

I am assigned to make a new product with a group. Our product is a shirt that you can draw anything you want on it. We had to choose our jobs. I am Designer, Carter was logistics and Mia was marketer. Carter wanted to be designer, but then he wanted to be logistics. We had to think of what we were gonna make, So we decided to make a dancing, lighting up, singing elephant that sings Happy Birthday in elephant language. That was technically already made, so we had to come up with a different. The next day Mia and Carter were absent, so I had to make a thing on my own. I came up with laser glasses. I got a little description about it and a little colored picture. Carter came back and agreed, But then Mia came back and disagreed. So then we thought about a shirt that you can draw anything on it. You can also write a little text under the picture. That is the product that we are sticking with.

School Disaster


Posted by youngc150 | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on January 17, 2020

Hello, Im Allen and I will tell you about a scary experience that I had last year, october 23rd, 2013 on the school bus. So I’m going to eat breakfast and then my brother gets in trouble by pushing over a shelf! “I DON’T CARE! I DONT CARE IF I GET GROUNDED!” He said. So then I go to the bus stop and I say to my friends, John, and Paul: “My brother got in trouble, A-gain.” Then I smiled. So me and my friends get on the bus and we all sit together.The bus ride was intense, I don’t know why, but the bus driver was acting like a kid, driving crazily.

When we got to school, or, crashed into school, we got off and some kids died! The bus driver was dead and was stuck in between the bus and a couple bricks. The bus was halfway in the school and the school was destroyed! The only thing left was the gym, cafeteria, and the gym storage. So we went home and the craziest thing happened! It was 3:30 P.M and a F4 tornado appeared! Then I freaked out and said to myself: “Is this how weather works? For 1 second there is a sunny sky and then another second there is a tornado!?!?!”. I got home and I asked my mom if I could check the weather. She said yes, but when I checked the weather, it said clear, sunny  skies the whole week!

Then I heard a big BOOM and on the tv a tree fell on the screen behind him! He jumped out of the way safely though. So then we all went to the basement, and at 6:33 P.M the winds died down and we went out of the basement. We still had a house, luckily, but our school and other developments were destroyed.

That is a story that happened October 23rd, 2013. (this is all not true but could happen in dreams or in reality.)

Florida and Pennsylvania for Christmas 2019


Posted by youngc150 | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on January 3, 2020

I went to Florida for Christmas break. We went to Seaworld on Xmas Eve, and saw dolphins, whales, and sharks. On Christmas, I built one of my Lego Technic Boats (does not float). Then I had two more days left at Florida.

My favorite thing over break was going home. Going home was my favorite thing because When we got home, I had one more present. That present was an Alesis Nitro Electronic Drum Kit! And then I went to my grandma’s house and  opened a couple things like drum sticks, and even new cymbals! That was my Christmas at Florida, And Pennsylvania!

When I had surgery on my mouth


Posted by youngc150 | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on December 18, 2019

“I’m scared, Mom” I told her. It was the day I get my first surgery… on my gum. I knew this would happen someday.

It was october some day (Don’t know which day.) at 10:30 a.m. I was 9 yrs old (still am) and it was Me, my Mom, and the Dentists.

I was on my way watching my tablet, excited and kind of scared. When I got there I was excited. I waited a little while and as soon as I thought, it was time to go.

They are now going to start. So, they give me this gas that makes me go unconscious. And then they start. They took out my teeth to get to my gum. Then they cut into my gum and pull my extra tooth that was stuck side ways in my gum and it wasn’t letting my other teeth grow.

Finally, IT’s over. My mouth feels super num and I feel weak, and I’m hungry. They gave me a bag just incase I throw up.  So then we went to go get me a frosty at Wendy’s and  a little while after that I threw up. My Mom was like ” In the bag!”

So for me I learned that surgery isn’t as scary as I thought. I will always remember this because I still have a gap in my mouth.

Veteran’s day


Posted by youngc150 | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on November 18, 2019

Veterans day is a special day and this is why. Veterans day happens on Nov. 11 each year. The Military saves people’s lives. There are five branches of military, Navy, Air force, Coast guard, Marines, and Army. Now you know some facts about Veterans day.

My favorite part of the 1st quarter of 4th grade


Posted by youngc150 | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on November 3, 2019

Hi, I will be telling you some things I like about the 1st quarter of 4th grade, and some things I am excited about in the 4th grade future. I like the science projects we have done. I also like how ela and math class is going. The funnest thing about the first quarter of fourth grade is lunch, recess, and win time. I am excited for the groups instead of win time. I am REALLY excited for christmas break. I am also excited for more science projects. That is my favorite 1st quarter of 4th grade and some things I am excited for in the future of 4th grade.

My Activity- Video Games


Posted by youngc150 | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on October 29, 2019

I am going to tell you about Video Games. To play video games you need a laptop, tablet, etc. Look up the game on Google or go to a video game store. Once you have the game downloaded, you can have fun playing it. I hope you learned more about video games, bye!



Posted by youngc150 | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on October 9, 2019

Hello Again, My name is Chase. I will be telling you a little bit about my favorite season. My favorite season is Summer. I like summer because my birthday is in Summer! I like Summer also because I don’t have to go to school. That is all I can think of, See you later! (And I hope you liked it!)



Posted by youngc150 | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on September 26, 2019

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