Williard ELA/Reading

Daily ELA Schedule:
9:10-9:40 Reading Interventions/Independent assignments such as silent reading, Achieve, writing centers
9:40-10:00 Whole Group Instruction
10:00-10:15 Bathroom Break and Snack (brought from home, optional, peanut free)
10:15-11:45 ELA Rotations
11:45-12:10 Inquiry/Class Mtg

ELA Homework Packet – Plan this out for how it will work best for your family each week. All of it needs to be completed and turned in on Fridays unless otherwise noted. 
Reading:  Students should read nightly and record it on their weekly homework packet. The goal is to read 60 minutes weekly. (15 min per night or grouped how it works for you.) Parents/Guardians need to initial. On Thursdays, complete one reading response question. Question options are on the back side of the spelling menu.
Spelling: Spelling should be practiced nightly by completing an activity from the spelling menu. Use the blank box provided on the weekly homework packet. Spelling tests will be on Fridays unless otherwise noted. You may use Spelling City online to help study words.

Mrs. Williard’s Spelling City Page

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