
Lacrosse is a sport I have been doing for 2 and a half years.  I know how to use the stick, cradle the ball and pass.  This is my favorite activity to do with a group.  I started lacrosse in second grade it was difficult at first because I didn’t have any experience at all, but they taught me how to play.  I started out as the new player but I learned it was other people’s first time to.


Lacrosse is the sport me and my sister play together.  My sister got upset because she wanted it to be her sport but I joined because my Aunt told me all about it and it motivated me to play. My sister and I don’t care about that it was two years ago we just care about our attitude on the field.  We also care about the way we play and our team.  We both love the sport it helped me realize we our sister we fight but when we are on the field we are teammates. help us on the field.  There is boys lacrosse and girls lacrosse.  All you need for girls lacrosse is lacrosse goggles, A lacrosse stick, cleat or sneakers and a mouthguard no clear mouthguards.


Lacrosse is my favorite activity because it was a sport that me and my sister can do together outside of our house.  Also when I am on the field I feel so thrilled.  My mom and my two aunts are coaches that makes me feel so relaxed.  My team works on passes,goals and catches  we do mand any drills to help us on the field.  


I like to play this sport it helps me run and get outside more.  There is usually games over the weekend practices during the week and no games or practices on holidays.  Me and my sister Bella play we pass when we are at home and practice cradleing. Girls lacrosse has many rules no in people’s shpere,  no body contact,  no triping and many others.  I like to play maybe you could try it to.       


Lacrosse can be confusing at first but you will learn and get the hang of it eventually.  My favorite activity maybe could be yours to someday.  Lacrosse is really fun to play.  Here’s the ard part you have to be willing to try.  Try it out and if you like it stick with it if you don’t like it you don’t like it.


One thought on “Lacrosse

  1. Hi Leila! Its Taryn and I love your blog so far and I wonder if you are going to make more awesome stories because I look forward to looking at all the wonderful stories you will have! And I Love the stories you already have because they sound like awesome things to do and I wish you will have a wonderful day and year!

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