Reba Jo Letter



        September 26,2016


Dear Jorga,


You wouldn’t believe it yesterday I lost my new hat in the old well.I was angry my pa would’ve punished me.Then a horned toad frog came and asked me what’s the matter I told him that I lost my hat in the well.He said he’ll get it for me if I did him three favors he wanted to eat my chilli hear me play my guitar and the last favor I flipped he wanted to sleep in my hat I disagreed.He tricked me into agreeing so he went down to get my hat I pulled him up and snacthed my hat. Then I quickly rode off.


I thought I wouldn’t see him again but then he rapped on the door.I opened it and looked around then I looked down and slammed the door he flew back I chuckled.He rapped again of course my pa answered he told my pa what happened I growled at him.Then my Pa told me a deal’s a deal.Fine I said to my pa.The horned toad asked me is that chilli I smell.I said yeah and I pushed it over to him.Then I sang him a lullaby and he told me nap time.Then he ask me to do one last favor.The favor was to kiss him I freaked out and loudly said no.Then he bribed me and said he will leave right away.


I kissed him and when I was wiping my lips of and he turned into a prince.I asked him to stay and he said a deal is a deal.Then he told me I gotta go now forever.I never saw him again.


    Sincerely,Reba Jo

2 thoughts on “Reba Jo Letter

  1. i liked that you had a lot of writing. i wish you would have added more when Reba Jo wanted to talk to the prince. i wonder if Reba Jo missed the prince.

    • thanks for commenting I think I added a lot about when Reba Jo wanted to talk to the prince. She probably missed him a lot.

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