Christmas With The Fam!!! :0

Family Christmas Dinner

By Kane


Every year my moms side of the family and my family have a big Christmas dinner.  This year it is different because my pappy got cancer so everyone is feeling down, but pap is feeling better and everyone is trying to help him as much as we can.  But anyway we always get crab legs, shrimp, clams, mashed potatoes, ham, turkey, corn, gravy and more.  Before every dinner we have breakfast at my house.  Every year we have breakfast at 8:30 and dinner at 2:00.  Last year at my house we played blitz ball with my uncles, my cousins, and my brother.  We all played till 11:00 am and we started at 9:00 am.  Then at dinner we played wall ball till 10:00 pm and we started at 7:00 pm.  Before wall ball and after blitz ball me and my brother play with all of our new stuff like this year we got a PS4, I got a computer, and I got VR goggles!  But Christmas isn’t about presents, its about family and a little bit about the food:)  All we should be thankful for is family and that we have shelter, food, and water, but sometimes our parents spoil us:)  Our nanny gives us a ton of presents and she also made a game that is like a raffle, but not as much of people.  In the game we all get a ticket and if our nanny picks the number on your ticket you get to pick a bag that has something in, if you want to keep you say I’m good and if you don’t want it you trade it with the person that picked before you.  So as you can guess nanny loves us a LOT!,  and we love her too.  That time when we are all together is the best part, but the worst part is when we have to leave and go to bed!  DON DON DON!  But I don’t really care about going to sleep because all I can be thankful for is that I was with my family.  And that’s the end of the time that I had at my family dinner.

Here is a picture of the family gathering around my pappy:)


And just one more thing… have a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!Another YearCreative Commons License frankieleon via Compfight



  1. zitotbb · January 3, 2017 at 2:36 pm ·

    Kane… In the picture i could not find u at all lol 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

  2. leaman126 · January 4, 2017 at 2:01 pm ·

    I’m right next to my pappy. If you know which one is my pappy.??

  3. Youssef,5c,Qatar international school · January 5, 2017 at 4:56 am ·

    Good blogging and I feel sorry for your pappy and I wish you had a HAPPY NEW YEAR!
    from Youssef and Mario.

    if you want to comment on my blog go to YoussefS and here is the blog

  4. leaman126 · January 5, 2017 at 2:28 pm ·

    Hi Yousef5c, Thank you, and my pappy is feeling much better and that’s really good, but all we can do is pray for him. And did you have HAPPY NEW YEAR!? I know I had a HAPPY NEW YEAR! Thanks for the comment and BYE have a happy blogging year!

  5. Mae Basehore · March 21, 2017 at 1:24 pm ·

    “moms” should be capitalized and become “Mom’s”. Why is your anti-spam word: cheesy at ?

  6. leaman126 · March 22, 2017 at 3:05 pm ·

    Ok Mae I will remember that and I don’t know why the anti spam word is “Chessy at”