C.Roman- PromptBrainstorming

  My uncle, before he died he told me to take care of the family and my self because in this world nobody wanna be friends for ever. He told me that he will take care of me from heaven but he wanna see me be a successful student. I promise him i will and he told me that one day we will see each other. He was so good with kids he always have surprise for use. He had 2 kids but  he always say that I was like his son. He show me how to drive, cook, How to play basketball, he always came home and ask how is every body how was our day, And he always be there for my grandmother. He always see someone sad he try to make them smile with a joke. He always check my grades and he would start making me study if he see I got a bad grade in a class. He was always there for me no matter what. He took me to the river every weekend or to play basketball hes the reason why I wanna play basketball.

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