Thoughts from Mr. Cox – Oct. 20th

Good afternoon everyone!

I wanted to take moment to thank our students and staff for an awesome Powder Puff football game on Tuesday night, and a great afternoon at Challenge of the Classes on Thursday. It was really great to be able to bring Powder Puff back to the high school, and I look forward to doing this long into the future. We had a bonfire after the Powder Puff game that was a really neat experience too, and look forward to making that a tradition as well. Thank you to all who participated, all who attended, and especially to all who helped plan and pull off the events of the last few days. It is great to be part of such a great group of people.

School Poster Integrity is doing
Wonder woman0731 via Compfight

This month’s Spartan Way trait of the month is integrity. We believe very strongly that a principled approach to life leads to consistency and reliability. That reliability and consistency make it so that others can know you as a person that can be trusted, a person who does what is right, and a person who others can count on to do what is right… all the time. Integrity cannot be separated from character, and character is doing what is right even when no one is watching. What does your word mean to others? Is it something they can rely on, or something that doesn’t have much value? Do you treat others well, hold yourself accountable to doing what is right regardless of who you are around, and live your life in a way that shows the value you place on relationships, being of sound character, and having priorities that reflect your values? Are you a person whose values change like the direction of the wind, or are you a person who is the same to all people, in all situations, all of the time?

Integrity is an important part of building solid relationships, and an important part of being successful at your job. It is really one of the most important things in reaching your full potential in life, and because of its significance and importance in becoming a person that makes a difference in this world it is included as part of The Spartan Way. I encourage each and every one of you to consider the type of person you want to be in the lives of your siblings, in the lives of your future spouse and children, and in the lives of your co-workers and others you come in contact with… I challenge you to become people who make a difference in this world. Live your life with integrity, and be a person that others can turn to and rely on. Be principled, value things that matter, treat others well, and make a difference in this world…

Have a great rest of the week everyone… so proud to be a Spartan!

Mr. Elias M. Cox

Assistant Principal
Garden Spot High School

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