Thoughts from Mr. Cox – Nov 30

Hello Garden Spot!

I hope your break was as excellent as each of you, and was a relaxing time for all. It has been a great week in the office as Mr. Sanger and I have been excited to get to be around all of you again!

Notions of Respect
Michael Coghlan via Compfight

November’s Spartan Way trait of the month was ‘Respect’. I have heard some say that they will give respect to those who earn it, but that statement always confuses me as it is saying that one will only give respect if someone else gives it first… if both people interact from that same mindset then neither will ever respect the other because neither will give respect first.

I believe that respect is treating everyone around us well regardless of our disagreements or how they have treated us… it is kindness, compassion, mercy, and grace… it is a way of living that breathes value into the lives of those around us regardless of their attitude or treatment of us. At Garden Spot High School we call this ‘undeserved respect’, and we aim to give it to every person we come in contact with in the hopes that through our behavior we will be excellent representations of how we want students and staff at our school to behave. Respect can be easily seen in our treatment of others, which includes our words and actions.

I encourage each of you to learn to be respectful of all people, at all times, even in the midst of continued disrespect from the other person. I encourage you to live differently from the rest of the world, and to live in a way that allows you to make a difference in this world. Be respectful of others, be respectful of your parents, be respectful of authority, be respectful of your friends, be respectful of differences… being respectful in these areas are the best ways to be respectful of yourself. Being treated respectfully is not something that should have to be earned, but is something that should be given freely to everyone we encounter solely on the basis of the value they have as a human being. I know some would disagree with the previous statement, but I have found it to serve me well in establishing relationships that afford me the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of those around me.

Be difference makers, Garden Spot… be respectful… live in a way that others will become better people through having known you.

Have a great rest of the week, and keep on rockin’!

Mr. Cox

Assistant Principal
Garden Spot High School

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