“You Need A Reason To Be Sad;You don’t Need A Reason To Be Happy”

This quote Is fromĀ ~ D.J. , Wayside Stories by Louis SacharĀ 

I think This quote means to me that it is ok to be sad but you need to have a reason and you should not be sad for no reason. I think that you should be more happy than sad. I also think that she said this because there is not a reason to be happy. This can help the the world because this also help people think yes really there is no reason to be happy. Can I tell you something, when you see someone sad and you ask them what is going on or what is the matter you and they say no reason and there is really no reason then you need to tell them that “You need a reason to be sad; and you do not need a reason to be happy.”

How do you think this can help the world or your school? How do you think this can help the world?

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