See, Think, Wonder, Machu Picchu


Name:  Ryder H.


Expedition Name Text Title
Machu Picchu Lost City


What do you SEE?

(Describe what you see using WOW words)

I saw lots of enormous, steep, turquoise, and really tall mountains.  I saw Maya religions, and how they made things in their country.  I saw houses made completely out of stone.  I saw Granite walls that fit perfectly together like puzzle pieces.  I saw tons of green trees with beautiful plants.

What do you THINK?

(As you are experiencing VR tell your audience in detail what you are thinking using sequence words. First, Next, Last)

First I thought that the Maya country was only certain colors because all I saw outside was green, white, blue, and light brown.  Next I thought how long it took them to build the walls.  Last I thought that the Maya people were creative with their country, and made it unique.

What do you WONDER?

(During your expedition what are you wondering about? What questions come to your mind?)

How long did it take to complete that granite wall?  Did the granite wall stand to bad storms and strong winds?  How many mountains are in the Maya country?

Adapted from Veronica Vox Mansilla @ProjectZeroHGSE


Text Connections


What did you SEE in the Expedition that you can CONNECT to the text?

(Be sure to cite specific examples from the expedition and the text)

I saw Granite walls that fit perfectly together in the expedition, that I can connect to the text because in the text it specifically says, “ But right here was the most beautiful stonework he had ever seen-huge stones cut so perfectly that not even a razor blade could be slipped between them.”

How do you THINK the Expedition enhanced your understanding of the text?

(Be sure to use evidence from the text to support your response)

The expedition enhanced my understanding of the text because in the expedition I learned a lot about the Maya country and in the text the

Maya country was the lost city.

What do you still WONDER after experiencing the Expedition and reading the text?

(Write a reflection to extend your thinking i.e. What are you still curious about? What more do you want to know?)

Did the Granite walls stand during floods, hurricanes, and high winds?


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