Couplet for Latin Root: Cosm


                         I like to study the universe, I could be a Cosmologist.
   cosm means the universe, not the world, so don’t get it confused with a geologist.

Robin Hood Rhyme #1

                          Robin Hood & Will Scarlet

                     Robin Hood and his nephew were fighting angrily,

                           Until they realized they’re actually family.

                     After Will Scarlet hit Robin Hood with a loud bang,

                       He felt very awful, so he joined the merry gang.


Finish the Story #2: The Beginning

Rachel is our main character in this story. She is a very rich kid, yet still, she cares for others much more than herself. One day she was riding on her private jet with some of her friends. They were talking about their grades on a test they did yesterday.

The jet started to shake, but they didn’t mind, until a loud siren went off, and there were blinking, red lights. After a minute or so, the jet started to plummet down to Earth. Rachel and her friends were panicking. After Rachel calmed down, she looked at the emergency doors and said: ” We have to jump”.

None of her friends disagreed. There were only two parachutes, so they decided to go in pairs, since there were 4 kids. One of Rachel’s friends put on the parachute, and was about to grab one of the other girl’s hand, but the jet regained its steadiness, but it shook… a lot.

Two girls could not keep their balance, the one girl with the parachute fell out, but she’ll most likely be okay, because she has a parachute, but one of the other girls also fell out, and she didn’t have a parachute. Just after the second girl fell out, the second parachute fell off its hook and also fell out of the jet, but none of the girls who had fallen would be able to reach it.

Rachel and one other girl were still on the steady jet. The girl that was still on the jet refused to save them, so it was up to Rachel to decide if she would jump and try to save the girl without a parachute, and risk her life while doing it. Or she could stay on the jet and hope that her two friends find a solution themselves.


Now it’s your turn to finish this story. The ending I like the most will be put up on my blog. (Put your ending of the story in the comment section)

Experiencing Augmented Reality

This post is after I experienced Augmented Reality.

I had a great time learning about dinosaurs and the universe through Augmented Reality. A little “Character” of the creature or thing that was chosen, would pop up, and you could move around it, and see all of its different parts. We looked at dinosaurs first. We started off with the T- Rex. You could look at the end of its tail, all the way up to the tip of its mouth. The “Characters” look very real, so you get a very good experience.

The next dinosaur we “explored” was a velociraptor. It was very interesting learning about the actual size of the animal, because in the movies I’ve watched, they look much bigger then they actually are.

We saw some more dinosaurs, and then my classmates and I moved into space. We looked at the sun first. You could see the outside of the sun, and walk around it. When you moved the phone into the sun, you could see all the different inner layers of it. There was a chunk taken out of the sun, so you could see the inner layers from the outside more clearly.

We looked at the different dwarf planets and gas planets, It was very interesting seeing the different shapes and sizes of the planets.

I had a great time experiencing Augmented Reality. It was a very good learning experience. It was very very fun and interactive experience!!!


Finish the story: ENDING

“It was a chest full of snakes! Clarissa Screamed and jumped back, but it was too late. A snake had bit her, and she started to feel the venom kicking in. She was screaming for help when a dirty man walked in. He took a look at her, closed the chest, and got a small bottle off of the shelf. He went over to Clarissa and dropped a small amount of a liquid in her mouth, and then everything went black. When Clarissa awoke she was laying right outside of the sewer pipe, like nothing had happened. Clarissa got up and looked down the pipe, and before she walked away, she saw a face quickly vanish into the darkness.”

This ending of the story is ALL presta291‘s creation.

Visit her blog at: http://blog.elanco.org/presta291/


Trying Out Augmented Reality

In about ten minutes I will be trying out Augmented Reality. Augmented Reality is like virtual reality, but you can actually move around. A good example of Augmented Reality is Pokemon Go. In Pokemon GO, when you move around, the avatar on the screen moves around too. I will make a second post on this after I do the experience.


My Teacher’s Birthday

A couple months ago, my classmates and I celebrated my teacher’s birthday. We had a blast during the “party”. The reason I put the word party in quotation marks is that it wasn’t exactly a party. We all did celebrate, and some of us brought in dessert, but my responsible teacher didn’t want us to just party, so we got to work on a writing piece that we’ve been working with a partner while we celebrated.

I had loads of fun working with my partner while celebrating. I’m happy Mr.Lewis (our teacher) let us celebrate his birthday, because he is one of my favorite teachers, so I really wanted to do something for him. My two friends and I worked on a poster for him during recces and lunch. Once we were done with the poster, we hung it up on his whiteboard and let people sign it.

I had a great time during the party, and I’m super happy to be in his class. I have a great time while in his class, and it really lights up my day. He and I like to joke around with each other sometimes, and I really find that funny. I am glad he is my teacher, and I am his student.


Perspective Writing

These two weeks my classmates and I will be working on a writing piece. We will have to come up with characters and put both of their perspectives into one story.

My character is a witch and is a very sassy teen who thinks she’s the boss. She never takes no for an answer, unless she wants the answer to be no. She may be self-centered and arrogant, but she never stops practicing witchcraft.

She is the smartest student in her school of witchcraft. She never stops bragging about knowing all the spells and potions. She knows light magic, dark magic, life magic, elemental magic, etc.

She sure is a handful, but she will do anything, I mean ANYTHING, for the things she cares for.


Genius Hour: The Ingredients

I have worked and worked on my genius hour project, and I have a list of different ingredients to make the perfect three loaves of bread. I am excited to start baking the different loaves. I will probably start baking in a couple days.

I have to go shopping and get the unique items that I probably don’t have yet. The baking process that I am beginning will probably either take me two days if I get everything done a bit slower, or it could take me one day if I start earlier and get more accomplished. Either way I do it, I’ll most likely get the project done before or on the due date.

I’m thinking that I’ll get it done a day before the due date, and then present it on the day it’s due.

I am going to get three flash cards and write on them all the different ingredients that I put in the different bread loaves. I am going to present my different loaves of bread to the class, and they will say what the different loaves of bread taste like.

I hope everything goes smoothly. I’m going to try my best!!!


Beginning the Project (FIXED)

The class has another project to work on for Genius hour. The topic I have already chosen is baking, so I came up with three baking related question. I have to answer one and make a project out of it. The question I chose to answer is ” What ingredients could you add to your pastry to make it rise differently, and have a good texture”. The project I’m doing is ” I will bake three different loaves of bread with a different ingredient in each. Everyone will get a piece of each loaf, the whole class will determine the texture and taste of each piece of bread”.

The first ingredient I’ve chosen is Wheat gluten, which gives the dough an elastic feel, it strengthens the dough, and makes the bread rise higher. The second ingredient I’ll be doing is 1/4 teaspoon of ginger, The spice boosts the yeast, and gets it much more active, much faster. Finally, the third ingredient I’ve chosen is 1/8 teaspoon of vitamin C powder, The acid of vitamin C helps the yeast to work better and preserves the bread by keeping away bacteria and mold.

I got my info from: https://www.restlesschipotle.com/5-ingredients-to-help-your-bread-rise-higher/

I can’t wait to see the results!!!

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