The Shadow, Chapter 8: Secrets

Previously on The Shadow Ryan and Herman had to save Ethan from the shadow king. While, in the process, they realize that Ethan  had somehow gotten brainwashed or possibly had his memory erased. They knew they had to save him before the brainwash effects were permanent!


Ryan, Herman, and Ethan reached Ryan’s house. Ethan was starting to wake up, but they had to come up with something before he woke up. They put him in a closet with food and water and started to plan how to save him. Then Ryan and Herman decided to show him some old pictures to jog his memory, but that idea didn’t work, it just made him madder. After a while of thinking, Ryan said “ Open the closet.” “ What why!?” Herman replied. “Are you insane!” “Who knows, but I have to save my friend, so open the closet door.” He said firmly. “ Ok, I trust you,” Herman said softly.


Herman opened the door for Ryan, and Ethan came out of the closet. He jumped at Ryan, but before he laid a finger on him, he stopped, he couldn’t bare to hurt his best friend. “Wait, what?” Ethan said.  “Ethan you’re back!” Ryan said excitedly. “ What are you talking about, I was here the whole time, wasn’t I?” Ethan said confused. “ I’ve got a lot of explaining to do,” Ryan said thankfully.


After all of them regained all of their brain power they practiced all of their powers. “Ryan and Ethan I need to tell you something, you know how all of this time I’ve told you that I haven’t had any more powers, well I have two extra powers, sorry I didn’t tell you, I do feel bad” Herman said, “ The powers are freeze blast and lightning bolt.”


In unison, both Ryan and Ethan screamed “WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL US THIS” “ Seriously!” Ryan said angrily “ I thought we could trust you!” “ You can, I just didn’t want to overwhelm you with a bunch of powers.” Herman said sadly “ Well you could’ve at least told us about these powers, you didn’t have to give them to us!” Ryan said roughly “ Now that that’s all over with,” “ I CALL LIGHTNING!” Ethan said before anybody else could say anything.


“Thank you for forgiving me,” Herman said happily “ I never said I forgive you, I just want lightning.” Ethan said harshly. “ Ok, fine, But I hope one day you can forgive me.” Herman said sadly, “ I’ll give you lightning,” Smoke started to swirl around Ethan, and he started to levitate in the air. Lightning was forming around him, like usual, he got a little burning sensation is his chest, but it wasn’t as bad as it was when he got his first power.


Before he knew it, the sensation was gone, he was on the ground, and there was no smoke surrounding him. He shot his hand up in the air, and a little spark came out of it. “ This was much cooler in my head,” Ethan said, “ Well you need training,” Herman said “ Oh yeah, I forgot” he remembered. “ Now it’s my turn,” Ryan said “ I want snow” “ Ok then” Herman replied. A blizzard of snow was swarming Ryan, he started to float off the ground.Once again, he felt burning in his chest.


When it all was over he did the same as Ethan and lifted his hand in the air, but when Ryan did it he blasted a full out snowball that was huge. “How did you do that?” Ethan said. “No clue” Ryan replied, “ Well it’s not fair, I should be super good at it too,” Ethan said very distraught. “ If you want to get better, Ethan you have to train.” Herman told him, “ Uh… not training” Ethan said grumpily, “ Yes training!” Herman said fiercely. “ Don’t you forget, you’re the one who kept this huge secret from us!” Ethan also said fiercely. Herman did not reply.


After all of them stopped arguing they started training. Herman pulled up the training course out of nowhere again. “Also, how do you do that?” Ethan asked. “A lot of practice” Herman replied “Like, a long time of practice”. The training course that he pulled up was of flour bag dummies, he made enemies out of flour bags, that was for Ryan because he has the snow power. But, for Ethan he had steak, he would zap the meat until it was perfectly cooked, it took lots of precision.  


“Did  you know that you can shoot balls of lightning?” Herman said, “If you get a lot of practice then you can shoot a ball of lightning, you will  have to make sure you aim before the enemy is because it is a projectile.” “What does that even mean?” Ethan asked. “It means that when you get very skilled with shooting lightning you can shoot a ball of lightning that does way more damage than your normal lightning zap.” Herman replied,


“Ryan you have a special ability to make an ice block around you for forty-five seconds,” Why do I not have anything cool!” Ryan asked. “Maybe if you let me finish, you have a special ability to make an ice block around you for forty five seconds, but the catch is that it will heal all of your hurt spots on your body while your in the ice block within the forty five seconds” Herman replied. Also, you can throw snowballs that will freeze enemies.


“Ethan!” Ryan said “ Zap me” “Wait, what!, no way!” Ethan said very confused “ Do it!” Ryan said demandily “ Fine, but this is going to hurt me more than it’s going to hurt you” Ethan replied “ Probably not” Ryan said. Ethan zapped Ryan, “ Ahh!” Ryan said in pain. Ryan put up the ice block around him, after, he felt no pain at all. “ Wow, That really does work” Ryan said positively.

Ethan shot a lightning bolt at one of the pieces of meat, it was too raw. He shot a lightning at the next piece of meat, yet it was burnt now. “ This is never going to work!” Ethan said while being very frustrated. “ Try one more time, I believe in you” Herman said, “Fine” Ethan replied. He shot at the last piece of steak, he hit it so perfectly it looked delicious. “ Yum, let’s dig in!” Ethan said. Just as Ethan was going to cut a piece off, the shadow king jumped out from behind a bush and then Ethan started zapping the shadow king, Ryan started throwing snowballs at him to freeze him and Herman started zapping him as well…



Producers: Derek and Brandon

Authors: Derek and Brandon

Creators: Derek and Brandon

Editor: Erika


The Shadow, Chapter 7: Captured

Previously on The Shadow Series, The shadow army has arrived, and they are trying to ta Ryan and Herman run the same way away from the shadow army, but Ethan noticed while he was running he accidently was running the wrong way. So, Ethan decided to turn back towards Ryan and Herman, but ran into Shadow Soldiers so he was forced to run the opposite way of Ryan and Ethan.             


Ryan and Herman were running, like their lives depended on it, because their lives did depend on it. A couple of soldiers were close to them, and there were many more further behind them. They had to come up with something quick or else they wouldn’t get out without being caught. Ryan saw a factory, a very big factory, he decided that was their only way out of this situation, so he grabbed Herman and jolted for the factory. Herman said “Do you have superhuman strength or something?!” “Because it sure seems like it” “Did you get another power like… super strength?” “ No, I just have a lot of spare time so I go to the gym a lot” He replied.


They got into the factory, and it turns out the factory was abandoned. “ I guess Ryan’s instincts were right” Herman whispered to himself. Ryan tugged Herman under a counter. “ Gosh, you don’t have to be so harsh!” Herman said. As soon as Herman screamed at least five to ten soldiers came up and dragged them out from under the counter, and covered their faces with their hands. When they took their hands off of Ryan and Herman, The two of them were in a cell. “I TOLD YOU THIS WAS GOING TO HAPPEN HERMAN!” Ryan yelled. “Maybe if you stopped yelling that would be nice” Herman said in return “  Yelling isn’t going to get us out of this situation, but I know what is.” “ What could that be then?” Ryan said confused. Ryan and Herman both had to think of a way to break out of the prison cell they were in.


They were in a corridor that had many other cells in it. Also, out of the corner of Hermans eye he saw something that had made him moonstruck. “No… it… it… it can’t be” Herman said, what he saw was Ethan standing next to the shadow king without squirming or yelling for help. So, Herman Knew what that meant, Ethan either became friends with the king, which is very unlikely or he was brainwashed. Herman and Ryan had a plan that they really wanted to do. They would use both of their teleportation powers to teleport out of the cell into the nearest cell to the end of the corridor.

Next, they would find a good spot and ninja teleport. Herman explained to Ryan that it is just a quiter way to teleport so that people or things cannot hear you. Ryan was practicing for 15 minutes in the cell, until Herman said he had perfected it. Then, Herman and Ryan teleported quietly behind a barrel so that they could hide. Herman and Ryan were awestruck by what they saw. Like before Ethan was standing next to the king, motionless, like the king was his friend. “Why would he do this to us?” Ryan said. “ For self gain, that’s why” Herman said doubtfully. “ We can’t wait any more, we have to get out from behind here and save Ethan!” Ryan said heroically.


They jumped out from behind the barrel, but what they didn’t expect was that there were three guards standing on each side of the king, including Ethan. The guards were about to rush towards Herman and Ryan, but the king told them not to “ I want to see their friend hurt them” He said.  The shadow king gave Ethan orders to capture Ryan and Herman, and he did not hesitate he pounced at them, but before he knew it, they both teleported out of the way. Ethan stepped up his game, and he through a smoke bomb, neither Ryan, Herman, or Ethan could see. Ryan came up with a brilliant idea, he turned into a bat and used echolocation to find his way to Ethan. He transformed back into himself, and right after grabbed Ethan’s arms, so he couldn’t punch, Herman followed along, he grabbed Ethan’s legs. Then, oddly, he touched Ethan’s head, sent a small shockwave through it, and it sent him to sleep. “ WHAT THE WHAT!” Ryan yelled “ I’ll explain later” Herman replied.


Herman through another smoke bomb to make sure that the king couldn’t see them, so they ran out, holding Ethan. After they got out of the building, they starting running to their horses so that they could ride back to the barn. Once they hopped on their horses they rode for one and a half hours to make it to the barn. “Where’d you get them o’l horses” the farmer said. “They were your horses that we fixed up” Ryan said. After they had a brief talk they went all the way back to their homes. They had nothing to do but ride, just ride…


   To Be Continued On Chapter 8


Producers: Derek and Brandon

Authors: Derek and Brandon

Creators: Derek and Brandon


Finish The Story

Clarissa had a smooth life, it was very normal and simple. Most days she would wake up, eat breakfast, take a shower, go to school, come home, do homework, go to bed, and repeat the cycle. One day she was walking home from school, and being the curious girl she is, when she saw a narrow sewer pipe, she had to explore. The sewer pie didn’t have any gross gunk at the bottom, it was completely cleared, so that made it even better for her. She walked down the pipe line, and expecting it to go for a very long time, The pipe stopped at a room. The room was pretty much a dump. It had a torn up rug, a broken lamp, a really old stained bed, and a little wooden chest. There was nothing to explore, so she turned around, but then she got this sudden urge to open the chest and see what’s inside. She walked towards the chest, opened it, and what she saw was unimaginable, it was a/an . . .


Leave what you think the ending should be in the comments, I will choose the ending that I like the most and put it in another post! 🙂


Book Review

I read a book about 4 or 5 months ago, and I loved it. It’s called “Horizon”. The book is about these eight kids who are going to Japan but get into a crash and expecting to be in a frigid cold land of ice, they find themselves in a Rainforest, but it isn’t any ordinary Rainforest, it’s the land of Horizon where everything is possible, and even the person standing next to you could be your worst enemy.
A noise keeps following them… stalking them, they have to find a way out of this place before something terrible happens. I really did enjoy this book, now I’m on the second book. It is very good so far, a third book will also be coming out. I never have been much of a reader, but this science/adventure fiction book really got the hold of me.
I think I read it so much because all the suspense, I am always asking myself “what’s going to happen next?”. This is a great book series and I very much recommend it to all the people who like adventure stories and people who like to be on the edge of their seat while reading. If you read the book I hope you like it, and if you’ve already read it, please tell me what you think of it.

The Shadow, Chapter 6: Shadow Apocalypse

Previously on The Shadow, Chapter 5: Powers, Ethan and Ryan are practicing their new powers on the shadow practice course, having a good time, until a cloud of smoke appears and they remembered that it wasn’t just any month, it was October and October means Halloween.


“NO!” Ethan said scaredly “We have to hide!” Herman said in a stern voice. Ryan asks “Why? It’s just Halloween?” “When did we first see the shadows Ryan?” Ethan asked. “Halloween…ok now I know what you’re saying.” Ryan said. “ They get stronger every year.” “It has been a while since they’ve came out though.”Herman said. The smoke started to fade, so Ethan and Ryan now listened to what Herman said before, and they hid. Ryan jumped behind a bush, Ethan hid under a picnic table, and Herman followed Ethan, and hid under the picnic table with him.


A shadowy figure came out of the smoke surrounding it. “ MY BROTHER!?” Herman said. Ethan formed a smoke bomb, but then a whole bunch of smoke started to appear and when it faded there was a whole Shadow Army, Ethan’s smoke bomb faded because he

didn’t want the whole army to know they were there. Ethan started levitating a little to see over the first row and estimated about one million Shadow Soldiers. As Ethan levitated back to the ground a force made him stay up in the air.


Then, he saw a Shadow King, he thought that because instead of the Shadow being grey it was a dark blue. The King Shadow started talking, “ We shall raid this planet of the pesky humans and claim it as our own” “Actually, no better than that…we will enslave the humans!” “ARE YOU WITH ME!?” The Shadow King said “YES!” the whole crowd replied. All of them quickly jump behind a bush quietly. “NO NO NO” Ethan said doubtfully, “What are we going to do!” “ WE ARE GOING TO STAY LOW-KEY, that’s what we’re going to do!” Herman replied. “ Fine, but seriously, how are we going to get rid of these shadows?” Ethan said calmly “We can’t get rid of them, but we can hold them off until they have to go.” Herman replied “ Until they have to go?” Ethan said “ Yes, after Halloween week the guardian takes them back to their realm unless they take over this planet.” Herman said “So basically they have to go back to their realm if they don’t take over Earth?” Ethan asked still confused “Yup” Herman replied.


Ryan was trying to listen in on Ethan and Herman’s conversation but he couldn’t hear them very well. He understood the topic that they were talking about, but not the exact words. The King and his Army started to walk away heading for Washington DC, but then Ryan accidentally stepped on a twig and snapped it, so King Shadow heard it. “WHO DARE BE HIDING BEHIND THAT BUSH!?” The king said furiously. The King Shadow started walking up in front of the bush, but when he looked behind it, all he saw was grass. Luckily before the King looked Ryan teleported all three of them inside of a barn. “Few,that was close” Ryan said “I can’t believe The Shadow King didn’t see me!” “ We’re all lucky we didn’t get hurt back there.” Herman said sternly.


“WOW!” Ethan said with a lot of enthusiasm “LOOK AT ALL THESE ANIMALS!” “ There are so many!” Ryan said in reply. “These pigs look so funny!” Ethan said while laughing. “HA!” Ryan replied “ Look how many spider webs there are!” Ryan said grossed out, but a little amazed “ oh my gosh!” Ethan replied.


Ryan looked outside through a crack in the barn wall, “ LOOK!” Ryan said in awe “ look at what?” Ethan replied confused. He looked where Ryan was looking and saw what he was looking at, “ WOW!” Ethan said “HORSES!” they said in unison. “ Look at the sign, it says “ FOR FREE”, Nice” Ryan said very excited. “Let’s go look at them” Ethan said. They went and saw the sign a bit closer and confirmed that it said “ FOR FREE”.


They went in the little pen that was set out there so the horses wouldn’t escape. Ryan was looking at a pure white horse while Ethan was looking at a black horse with a bright, whitish yellowish lightning bolt mark on it. “I CALL THE ONE WITH THE LIGHTNING BOLT!” Ethan said. “Jeez, I didn’t want that one anyway, this white one looks really cool.” Ryan said “ I think we should have them, don’t you?” he said “ OH YEA!” Ethan replied in excitement. “ Are you sure?” Herman said “ Yes,we are very sure!” They said in unanimity“ I’m not taking care of them, you know that, right?” Herman said, “ Of course we know, we can take care of them ourselves.” Ethan said proudly. “ Okay then, go ahead and get them.” Herman said. So, Ethan and Ryan both walked out of the pen, but they didn’t have any money to buy a saddle or lead.


Ethan and Ryan thought of a plan to make money, and it was to do a chore for the man who owned the barn. They asked the barn owner and he said “ Y’all better go get me some hay for the rest of my horses because they don’t feel too good” Then, Ethan and Ryan both go to the nearest hay bale sale, but halfway to the sale both Ryan and Ethan’s horse collapse. “WHAT IS HAPPENING YOU WEIRD HORSE!?” Ethan said. Right as he said that, both of the horses were engulfed in smoke, and when that happened Ethan and Ryan went crazy because they thought their horses were gonna die. But, right when the smoke stopped, somehow Herman, Ryan, and Ethan all had silver armor on. Also, the horses had a saddle that was diamond enplated and had silver armor on too.


Ethan and Ryan thought that the King did it because while that was happening, arrows were flinging all around the place, but no. “What in the world” Ethan said very confused “ I just saved you and your horses lives, you’re welcome.” Herman said bostfully.


“ Now isn’t the time for being rude or selfish, we kindove have ourselves in a sticky situation.” Ryan said loudly. “ Yea yea, talking isn’t going to get us out of this mess!” Ethan exclaimed, “ Then let’s go!” Herman replied. Ethan and Ryan jumped on their horsies  and Herman also jumped on Ryan’s so he wouldn’t have to keep on teleporting. “ GO GO GO!” Ryan exclaimed. Both of the horses started to move, then gallop, and then the horses ran as fast as they possibly could.


They stopped when they were behind a brick wall. It was tall enough to keep the arrows away. It wasn’t that sturdy, and the shadow army was catching up. “ Right now would be a great time for a smoke bomb” Ryan said to Ethan. “ Oh yea” Ethan replied. He and Herman threw a bunch of smoke bombs, and before the army knew it, they could barely even see the shadow standing next to them. “ RUN!” Ethan yelled as loud as he could. The smoke from the smoke bombs was starting to spread, and soon Ethan, Ryan, and Herman wouldn’t be able to see each other.


Ryan and Herman started running, but Ethan didn’t know that he was running the opposite way. He then noticed he Ryan and Herman were not behind him. He had to decide to take the chance of going back and running the other way, or keep on running the way he was going. After a bit of thinking, Ethan decided to turn around, he ran for a little while but then noticed that there were shadow soldiers in front of him, so he was forced to keep on going his way, the opposite way of Ryan and Herman.


To Be Continued On Chapter 7

Producers: Derek and Brandon


Authors: Derek and Brandon


Creators: Derek and Brandon


Genius Hour: Me and My Brother

My brother/partner and I have loved to bake for as long as we can remember. We always work together when we bake. We love making a big breakfast for our family while they are asleep, and when they wake up we surprise them. We love surprising our family because when they see the food, the looks on their faces bring us a whole lot of joy. Andrew ( http://blog.elanco.org/Herman/ ) and I always work together when we bake, no matter the time or the mood. We really do bake EVERYTHING together. We have made so many foods it is almost impossible to count how many. Andrew is my partner just as much as I am his. I could never imagine baking without Andrew by my side.


The Shadow, Chapter 5: Powers

Previously on The Shadow Chapter 4: What,  A Shadow Dog? Ryan and Ethan got powers from their new friend, Herman, ( The Shadow Dog/The Shadow), there are still 2 more powers for Herman to give to Ryan and Ethan, They have to get the hang of their powers or else their lives might be at stake in the future.


“Ok, who is going to get levitation powers?”Said Herman “ME ME ME ME ME ME!” said Ethan “Wow, chill out” said Herman. “Ok, sorry I just really want to levitate. How many feet off the ground can I levitate?” said Ethan “As high as you want too” said Herman. “I’m ready” said Ethan (There is smoke all around Ethan, and then, he starts slowly lifting up in the air) “AAAAHH, help me, HELP ME!” said Ethan, Herman said “You’ll get the hang of it, it’s ok” Ethan starts levitating so high that neither Herman or Ryan could see him. Then, all of a sudden they heard a faint yell,  “AAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!” and then, they could see Ethan falling out of the sky.


In almost half of a second, Ethan was right in front of them, scared and then he said “I COULD’VE GOTTEN REALLY HURT! WHY DIDN’T YOU HELP ME”  Ethan said. Herman said “Did you get hurt?” “No” “Ok then, Ryan you get Transformation” Herman throws a smoke bomb at Ryan, Then Ryan starts transforming from different creatures and then it stopped) “How do I use it?” said Ryan. Herman said “Think of an animal and imagine you being it, imagine what it feels like, where it lives, what it eats, all of those things factor into what and how you transform” So, Ryan starts thinking of a Lion. Then, out of nowhere he turns into a Lion. Herman says “DO NOT DO ANY TYPE OF A BIG ANIMAL UNTIL YOU HAVE MASTERED THE ART OF TRANSFORMATION!” “Your body can not handle anything bigger than itself, so please listen to me, and practice animals smaller than your own body until you master the art of transformation, or else it could lead to serious damage, most leading to death!” “Both of us are amateurs, could you help us out?” Ryan said filled with hope, “Of course, the only way I can really help you is by making sure you train, but that is on you, not me” Herman said. Lots of smoke started to drift around Ryan’s backyard, all three of them ran outside, once the cloud of smoke drifted away there was suddenly a training course. But, it was no ordinary training course, it was a shadow training course, The Shadow Children use it to train with their powers. “Wow” Ethan said in awe. “This is where you will be training every single day” said Herman, “COOL” Ryan said. “How about we get started, can we start know Herman?” Asked Ethan, “OF COURSE!” Herman replied.


Both Ryan and Ethan went onto the course. There was a huge wall that was almost as tall as the Empire State Building, but for some reason nobody else could see it. Herman says “I put an invisible forcefield around the whole training course so that nobody else could see it” “This was a job for me” Ethan said, he lifted up his  right hand and closed his eyes. Ethan started to raise his hand, and as he did the wall lifted too. Ryan quickly ran under the wall and Ethan slowly followed him trying his best to keep the wall in the air. “Next up was… a cage of bulls?” Ryan said. “Yep, that’s for you” said Herman “It’s for me, I got this. Am I supposed to teleport?” he said, “Yes, what else would you do… turn into a bull” Ethan said. “DON’T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!” Herman said. A cloud of smoke started to surround Ryan he felt himself starting to break through the air and land on the other side, but he remembered that he had to teleport Ethan with him. Then, Ryan thought that he might be able to teleport Ethan with his hands and not have to go back. So, Ryan lifted his hands, “What are you even doing Ryan?” Ethan said. Smoke started going around Ethan so he got scared “WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?” He said one more time before he appeared next to Ryan. “OM MY GOSH, HOW ARE YOU DOING THAT?” Ethan said. “I don’t know!” Ryan said scared and surprised. Ethan appeared next to Ryan and both were very confused, “It doesn’t matter how far you are from something, you can still teleport them, that statement is true for almost every power” Herman said.


“So I can levitate anything no matter how far I am from it.” said Ethan. “Well, kind of, You need to be able to pick that thing up without levitation powers, actually if you want to levitate a bull, let’s say it’s about five hundred pounds and you can pick up about two hundred and fifty pounds then the other two hundred pounds the levitation spell will pick up for you. Do you understand that? It’s like dividing the pounds by two.” said Herman.

There was a wall, a huge wide wall. “This is transformation, right?” Ryan asked “Yup” Herman said confidently. “Well what do I do do here?” Ryan asked being confused “Take a second and think” Herman said. “OH, I know now!” Ryan said, he turned into a worm tunneled under the wall and came out the other side. “Wait, can I turn Ethan into different animals also?!” Ryan said hopefully “ Well, YES!” Ryan closed his eyes smoke traveled around Ethan and when the smoke faded he was a worm. He followed the path of dirt Ryan made when he tunneled through because this was his first time transforming and he didn’t want to accidently take a turn or even turn around. Ethan came out the other side and changed back to himself. “You can’t change to different animals, but when you are done using the transformation you can change back to yourself without Ryan’s help.” Herman said “Ok” Ethan said. There was another wall, but not as big, yet you still couldn’t jump over it. Ryan closed his eyes thought for a moment then knew what he would turn into, a Hawk. A cloud of smoke surrounded Ryan and Ethan, when it faded they both were eagles. Ryan and Ethan started to flap their wings faster and faster until they started to lift off the ground, they flew over the wall and landed on the other side. They turned back into humans, they were about to take a step forward, but Another cloud of smoke appeared right in front of them and they knew it wasn’t Herman and just then they realized what time of month it was… October and October means Halloween!


The Shadow, Chapter 4: A Shadow Dog

      Chapter 4: What… A Shadow Dog?

Previously on The Shadow, Chapter 3:A New Pet? Ryan got a new dog, a very suspicious dog, and soon found out it was… THE SHADOW DOG! Ethan was away and he had to wait for a day until Ethan got back.


(One day later) “Ding dong”,Ryan ran down the steps, so fast he almost fell, he flung open the door and saw Ethan “it took you like 2 seconds to open the door, why are you in such a rush?” Ethan said in a surprised voice. THE SHADOW DOG ran up to Ethan and Ethan started to pet it, “Awww, it’s so cute” he said. They went upstairs and the dog followed, Ryan wanted to hear about Ethan’s   trip so bad he almost forgot to tell Ethan the crazy news. “You know that dog over there” (he said as he pointed to the dog) “Yep, it’s so cute” said Ethan. “That dog is the shadow that was at our door” “WHAT! No way!”


As soon as both of them looked at the dog they got a chill. They went downstairs and the dog sat at the door just like the shadow from a year ago. A huge cloud of mist surrounded THE SHADOW DOG! And then it turned into THE SHADOW! It was very blurry and it looked like it came out of a rejected power plant. Then, Ethan and Ryan ran upstairs, but THE SHADOW said “Wait I don’t want to hurt you.” So, Ethan and Ryan slowly walked back downstairs and looked around the corner.


They walked down the hallway and to THE SHADOW. Then They walked down the hallway and to THE SHADOW. Then, THE SHADOW Started walking down the hallway to, but not fast. So, Ethan and Ryan were scared and right as they got face to face with THE SHADOW and then THE SHADOW said “Hello” Ethan and Ryan scaredly said “Hi” At the same time. Then, THE SHADOW said “I wasn’t trying to hurt you 1 year ago. “That was my brother who took your parents, sorry” said THE SHADOW. “I can show you some of my powers” said THE SHADOW, “OF COURSE” Ryan and Ethan said in unison. (THE SHADOW showed them what he could do) He could levitate objects with his smoke he can throw, when he did there would be a tornado like cloud of smoke under the object as it rose. Also, THE SHADOW could throw smoke bombs, it would make a ball of smoke and then throw it, but he would have to charge it up. When the ball of smoke hit another object it would explode and make smoke everywhere.


The third power was teleportation, he would make a cloud of smoke around himself and when the cloud faded away he would be gone. The last power is transformation, a cloud of smoke would go around him like the teleportation, but instead of teleporting, when the cloud of smoke faded away he would be a different creature or object than before. “How do we know you’re not lying, huh” said Ryan. “If I was lying you would be covered in smoke right now” said THE SHADOW, “true” said Ryan. “So who wants teleportation” said The Shadow. “ME!”said Ryan, Ethan was 5 seconds late. “Ok so you will kind of feel a burning sensation in your chest when I give it to you, because it the smoke forms inside you in your chest, ok” said The Shadow. “Ok” said Ryan scaredly. (The Shadow puts up his hands and makes Ryan levitate and he looked like it was hurting, but he didn’t show it) “And done” The Shadow said. “So how do I use it?” said Ryan “Try to reach down into yourself and just put it in front of you.” said The Shadow. Ryan looked forward and smoke started going around him and nothing happened, but after his first try he did it but he got inside the wall. So The Shadow had to make the wall levitate so he could get out. “So I get smoke bombs?” Ethan said. “Yes” said THE SHADOW. “How do I use them?” asked Ethan “Well like I said before, you have to dig down deep into your heart and feel the smoke within you” said THE SHADOW “Ok, but instead of calling you THE SHADOW can we call you Melvin.” said Ethan. “NO!” said The Shadow. “How about Herman?” Ryan said. “Well, my family called me Sherman, but Herman is a wonderful name, why not.” Said THE SHADOW. (So, Ryan and Ethan both call “THE SHADOW”, Herman now.


To Be Continued On Chapter 5

Producers: Derek and Brandon


Authors: Derek and Brandon


Thinkers/creators: Derek and Brandon


The Shadow: Chapter 3

Chapter: 3

                      A New pet?

Previously on The Shadow, Chapter 2: Ryan and Ethan are running from Ryan’s house into Ethan’s house but what they didn’t know was that they the shadow was already there and now they are thinking of ways to escape Ethan’s house.


CHAPTER 3, A New Pet:


After spending an hour thinking of plan after plan they finally thought of the easiest, simplest, thing to do. RUN OUT THE BACK DOOR! It was so simple so easy yet in their minds it was questionable and they couldn’t decide if they wanted to take more time to think of a more full-proof plan or take the risk and run to the back door. They decided to run. Without any hesitation they sprinted over to the back door, unlocked it, opened it up, and ran. Ran, ran, ran, all they could do is run. They went down one then two then three then four blocks until they suddenly were seven blocks down and they didn’t even realize because they were so scared they couldn’t feel their bodies aching from all that running. They spent the night at one of their friends houses and once it was day time they went  back to their own homes. When they got back there was no shadow, everything was back to normal Ryan’s parents were back there were no scratches on the walls. Everything was back to normal.



Ryan and Ethan had been living their new… old lives. Everything was normal. The first couple months they both were happy but missed the adventure. Now, they barely even think about what happened. They would go to school, come home, do their homework together, go back home, sleep, and start the process over again. It was a boring life, but it was nice, and certainly not filled with evil shadows and being terrified. Until one day, Ryan and his parents decided to get a pet. They decided to get a dog. They went to the pet shelter. And looked for the perfect dog for their family. They looked at many many dogs yet none of the family members really liked them, until they saw this one dog. Fluffy black fur, perfect size, perfect everything. They decided to get the dog, but Ryan this sick feeling in his stomach about this dog. Their was something about it he just didn’t like or maybe couldn’t comprehend, but he ignored it. Ryan thought the dog would grow on him. After a couple weeks he stick could not enjoy being around this dog, no matter how much he tried he just couldn’t. He thought it was just him being stubborn, until one fateful night Ryan couldn’t sleep, no matter how hard he tried he couldn’t sleep. He was going to get up to get a sip of water, he lifted his legs, but they wouldn’t budge. Ryan opened his eyes and saw the dog sitting there. It was staring at Ryan, so many thoughts were going through Ryan’s head. The more Ryan would lift his legs, the harder it would get to move. The dog’s eyes turned red, and at that point Ryan knew that that is no ordinary dog, it is The Shadow. He was so afraid he got out of the dogs clutches, Ryan was so scared that he just turned in the other direction and ran, he ran to Ethan’s house. Once he got to Ethan’s house he knocked on the door 5 times, then he waited. After a while Ethan’s mom answered the door and said that he went on a trip to Tennessee, she said that he would be back tomorrow. Ryan was very afraid because he thought The Shadow would hurt him. So, he ran all the way back home and went inside, but The Shadow wasn’t there, Ryan turned around and saw the dog, shadow, shadow dog. Ryan knew it wouldn’t help to just stand there so he reached out his hand to the Shadow Dewwog, it didn’t move, it just sat there. Ryan started petting the dog and it jumped up and started licking Ryan. it all came to Ryan, the shadow that kidnapped Ryan’s parents and the shadow that was waiting at Ethan’s door are two different shadows. The shadow that was at Ethan’s door was just waiting there, like a good dog. When Ethan gets back Ryan needs to tell him this HUGE news!


To Be Continued On Chapter 4

Producers: Derek and Brandon


Authors: Derek and Brandon


Thinkers/creators: Derek and Brandon


The Shadow, Chapter 2: Haunted

                          Chapter: 2


Lately on The Shadows, Chapter 1: Ethan and Ryan are in a rush to try and escape from the creature that stole Ryan’s parents and keeps following them, but what they don’t know is that it is now in Ethan’s house. Chapter 2:, Ethan and Ryan are right in front of Ethan’s house and they opened the door and the Creature was right in front of them. It looked like it was made of smoke and it was wavy, but it had really red eyes. The eyes of the creature were very, very, very red, almost like they were staring into Ethan and Ryan’s souls. After 20 seconds of them just looking at each other, Ethan and Ryan ran really fast through the creature and they actually just went right through it. Once Ethan and Ryan got into the house they went upstairs and into Ethan’s room. Then, Ethan and Ryan slammed the door shut and stayed at the door pushing it in so the creature didn’t get in. 5 minutes went by and nothing happened, so they slowly crept downstairs and they found the creature. The creature was lying in front of the door, it looked like it was waiting for something. Ethan and Ryan went down the stairs and when they hit the last step “CREAK!” The creature turned around so quickly that it was like a flash of red, it just stood there watching them. Next, Ethan and Ryan just looked at it back, but after about 15 rough seconds it looked away and Ethan and Ryan sprinted as fast as they could into the living room. They tried to be as silent as they could because the door lead into the living room they hatched out a plan, one of them would jump out in front of the… ghost, ghoul, Ethan and Ryan couldn’t keep calling the thing this so they simply came up with a name for it, THE SHADOW. One of them would jump out and distract THE SHADOW. It would move off of the door and start to inch toward whoever went, once THE SHADOW was far enough away from the door the other person would open the door up and run, the person who was distracting would start to run and go out the back door. The one question was, who was going to be the distractor. None of them wanted to, so they decided to finish their debate with rock, paper, scissor, shoot out of 1. The first time they both chose scissor, the second time they both chose paper, but the third time Ryan chose rock and Ethan chose paper again. Ryan lost so he would have to go out and distract THE SHADOW. Ryan built up the courage and jumped out in front of THE SHADOW. When he did THE SHADOW didn’t move, all it did was look at Ryan, Ryan jumped away and told Ethan the plan didn’t work, but what they didn’t know was THE SHADOW did move. When Ryan jumped, it suddenly jumped at Ryan. THE SHADOW jumped about 5 feet and landed right next to Ryan, but they didn’t know because it jumped at the speed of light…

 To Be Continued On Chapter 3

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