I have worked and worked on my genius hour project, and I have a list of different ingredients to make the perfect three loaves of bread. I am excited to start baking the different loaves. I will probably start baking in a couple days.

I have to go shopping and get the unique items that I probably don’t have yet. The baking process that I am beginning will probably either take me two days if I get everything done a bit slower, or it could take me one day if I start earlier and get more accomplished. Either way I do it, I’ll most likely get the project done before or on the due date.

I’m thinking that I’ll get it done a day before the due date, and then present it on the day it’s due.

I am going to get three flash cards and write on them all the different ingredients that I put in the different bread loaves. I am going to present my different loaves of bread to the class, and they will say what the different loaves of bread taste like.

I hope everything goes smoothly. I’m going to try my best!!!