Imagine that you are a shark. Other fish are scared of you. Convince them you are friendly.

Once upon a time, in the middle of the deep blue sea it was stormy and i was looking for some friends. I came from the shallow red pond where everyone was mean. When I arrived I was scared. I saw some fish play a game. I couldn’t  out what they were playing. I went to find out what they were playing.  I am 20 times bigger then them so they ran in fear. I was scared and alone again. The next day I saw a house and went to there to see if someone wanted to be my friend. At first they stood there staring. The next thing they did was slam the door. I said I was from the Shallow red and they opened up and they all said they would be my friend and that they came from the Shallow red. They still where scared but I said I never killed anything. They all said it was hard for them to make friend and we lived happily ever after. THE END!!

3 responses

  1. Hi my name is Nevil,
    I think you got it right sharks would not be able to be friends with fish.
    Either the shark would eat it or if the hark was nice like you said the fish would run away.
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    Well that is all for now hope you find my blog interesting. Bye.

  2. Hi, Adam
    Hi my name is Brandon and I love your post. I wish you would have checked your spelling you have a lot of spelling errors. I wonder why the fish suddenly became your friend.

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    SEE YOU THERE 🙂 😉 🙂

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