Alien Visitor!

I was out and about 1 day when I stumbled upon a planet I never had seen before! For a far distance this unknown planet was all green and blue, so full of life!! All of the other planets that I saw had no life on them. I decided to do some research on this lovely […]

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How does visual information help the reader to understand scientific and technical texts?

Cam:Regular     Adam:Italicized How does visual information help the reader to understand scientific and technical texts?    Visual information helps the reader to understand scientific and technical texts by showing the information collected from the passage and making it into graphs and/or charts. Another way is that you could draw pictures and see how you organized it. […]

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Number the Stars, Chapters 1-5

                                                     Adam  and  Joel   Number The stars Chapters 1-5 Q1: How does the encounter with the Nazi soldiers on the way home from school affect Annemarie? Answer: It makes Annemarie feel frightened and nervous.How we know that is becasue in the book it says “Ellen was motionless on the sidewalk, a few yards behind her.” […]

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