The Wheel of Life, Tuck Everlasting

The pond is related to the cycle of life because how the stream water flows into the ocean and then it evaporates and goes into the air and is “reborn” falls down into the pond and it does it again. The bout got stuck in a tree and the tucks are like the bout and they are stuck in their tracks  and cant get out. They are off the “ferries wheel” life cycle. The wheel that the Tuck family was on broke and now they can go anywhere because time stopped. This is the Wheel of Life and how it relates to the pond!

2 responses

  1. Great job on this prompt! I like the way you used a extensive vocab. I like the way you used details from the text. Good Job!

  2. I like how you said “the bout got stuck in a tree and the tucks are like the bout are like the bout and they are stuck in their tracks and cant get out. I really like how you explained the life cycle and how its related to the pond. That is why I like your post.

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