The Tucks house

This is a blog about what I thing of the tucks house and if I would like to live in it.  I don’t thing I would like the tucks house because it is very crammed.  1 more thing is that it is busy and full of work. The answer to would I or wouldn’t I like to live in the Tucks house is a easy one to answer, no. If I went into a house like that I would leave as soon as possible. I hate cramped places and don’t like that.

2 responses

  1. I would have to agree with you because it it very crammed .Also you used great detail .But i wish you would give more detail on what it looks like outside .like if it is a wreck or nice and tidy .

  2. I like the way you said “it is very crammed.” I also like how you said “If I went into a house like that I would leave as soon as possible.” I like how much detail you used to describe the Tuck`s home.

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