What thankful means to me.



This is what thankful means to me!!!

Thankful means to me, being happy and not complaining. It also means to be grateful for what you have. 1 example of not being thankful is wishing you had no parents. That is unthankful because some people don’t have parents to help them in live.  1 example of thankfulness being happy with what you have like having carrot when you don’t like them.

This is what thankful means to me!!!!!!!

One response

  1. Hi Adam
    Hi my name is Brandon and I love your blog it has some great posts and some awesome comments. I wish you would have wrote more examples of thankfulness and not being thankful. I wonder if you are thankful with what you have.
    P.S. I am from Blue Ball too, 🙂

    Please visit my blog at: http://blog.elanco.org/herman2fz/ 🙂 😉 🙂

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