The Titanic


Posted by echavabbs | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on November 16, 2017

One day on Wednesday,April 10th I was getting on the ship. I was first class which cost $4,300 per person. Finally, on April 10th we set sail!On April 14th, after four days of sailing, at about 2:20 A.M in the middle of the Atlantic ocean, the titanic was sinking and everyone was screaming, then it was SUPER loud!! As we were sinking there was people getting on the lifeboats.People were also crying because the women and children were going first and that meant the men had to leave last so kids were crying that they could probably never see their Dad’s again,and since I was a woman and also had a son named Bob we went first and Bob was crying SO loud because he wanted his friend,Alejandro. When me and Bob went off,we were both crying and I thought we were all going to die,but after about 2-3 hours a ship came and rescued us,but after that horrible day,we never saw Alejandro again.

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