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Living in Japan

This is by Sean Skinner. Japan in a country off the east coast of Asia, the biggest continent. Living in Japan would be different from living in the U.S. I would have to learn a new language, and learn new customs. I would first learn to speak Japanese, which would take me years. Japanese is one of the most complicated languages to learn. But if I focused enough, I could do it. Next, I would learn to know and respect Japanese culture. Japanese culture is very different from American culture. It’d probably take me a couple months to get used to, but I’m fine with that. I love how in Japan, there is so much respect for each other, and nobody is left behind. It’s really sweet. I would also need to learn to enjoy Japanese food. I wonder how much they eat rice, because I love rice of any kind. I would also need to learn to like seafood, which would be very hard for me, as I do not like seafood.

Living in Germany James Stoudt

  1. Living here in Germany would probably impact my life a bit. I don’t remember a lot about it cause I was little when I moved to America and it is a Mostly mountain covered place.
  2. It would impact me if i were to live in the mountains because there would probably be no internet and i’m always like “it’s too cold here!” at my house and it’s usually very warm so it would probably impact me A lot now that I think about it.
  3. It would also impact me very much to live around the people who lived there for years and a lot of people might be aggressive, but I’m not really sure about that because i’ve never met anyone else from germany before so it would be a adjustment.
  4. Also at Switzerland I see a lot of lakes so I might be able to go swimming there.
  5. I think that what I would eat there would probably be like Chicken, Fish, Steak, Pork, and Bacon.
  6. I’m not really sure I want to be at a mountain with a mountain goat because I would probably get chased off the mountain So I would not go mountain climbing if I see mountain goats.

Life in China

   Since there are few bodies of water and deserts in China, there will be hot summers. To keep cool, I could hydrate and live in an underground home with A/C. The majority is flat, so I could look out for tornadoes and build or buy a house with a basement if it is not underground. It is up north, so there will be cold winters. I could just turn off my A/C and turn on fireplace.