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Iceman’s Death-Josh M.


As I run through the field looking over my shoulder for my attackers I shoot some of my arrows at them. I was to focused shooting at them that I trip. I get back up and start running again. I load another arrow but then notice my bow is broken so I can’t shoot. I run as fast as my legs can take me. I run into a forest and take a sharp turn. I climb up a tree as my pursuers run past. But they are so fast I can’t see there faces over they’re black fur hoods. I wait for what seems an eternity. Then when I feel a sharp pain in my hand I find an arrowhead in my hand but the shaft is gone. If the shaft was there I could identify my pursuer. I pull it out and wait. I make a bandage with some leaves I pull off the tree. After I wait a little longer I start my journey up the mountain.

I start the climb with strength but a quarter of the way i have to stop. I look down to see if my attackers are following me. Nothing. My stomach pains are way to severe to start climbing again. So I find a little ridge I can rest on. I catch sleep within minutes.

I wake to a nice morning and the nice sound of birds. My breakfast is some grains with meat from the goat I killed. If I were in the Jarawa tribe I would be killed for eating goats for they are sacred to the Jarawa. By the time I finish my food my stomach pains are calm enough that I can keep climbing.

About midday I finish my climb. Once more I check if I am being pursued. Nothing. I was told by my village elders that once I completed my task I would be heavily pursued. Hey had sent 12 hunters to catch and kill me once I finished my task. I was able to shoot 8 of them but now I only have 2 finished arrows and I dont have the material to fix my bow or finish the other 12. I start walking up the mountain where I will take refuge and make a fire between the stone wall and the pool of holy water. I get there and make camp. I build a little roof out of a nearby tree to block the smoke so no one knows my position. I couldn’t fall asleep for a while because of my stomach and my coughing, but eventually I fall into the peaceful world of sleep.

I wake to an eerie feeling. My elders told me to get to the cave at the top to seek refuge. When I got there I sharpened my axe and ate my dear meat and herbs. I hear a clatter outside I walk outside to see three of my attackers. I must have shot the other one lucky I have my axe with me because they draw their swords. “You have killed our tribe leader.” one of them booms. “ We are here to avenge them.”. “I only did it because you have been stealing our live stock. So my elders told me to take what you cared most about.” I said. “Then we must do trial by combat to find out who lives or dies. To find out which tribe is better. The tribe of assassins or the tribe of warriors.” How dare he call my tribe the tribe of assassins.

One of the soldiers charge and swing there sword at me. I dodge with ease and lunge my axe at his striking hand and make a gash right down the middle of the palm. He clutches his hand and screams. At the scream another soldier comes and I Dig the blade of my axe into his right shoulder and he falls to the ground unconscious. The leader come at me with dual swords. He swings them both at me with great speed and skims my torso. I feel a pinch of pain and sweep his legs with butt of my axe he falls and with one fine cut I dig my axe into his hand. He drops his sword. I pull my axe up and I am about to bring it down on his head. I scream and turn around and there is an arrow in my shoulder. I fall over and my last breath flows out of my mouth and everything goes black.


The End

The Iceman Death-NGleason

As the iceman ran up through the mountains with his hand bleeding as he has been in a fight. It was a brutal time for otzi (iceman) as he was running away from a fight as he kept looking to see if he was being stalked. Otzi ran into the springtime mountains trying to get away, but as he went farther up into the mountain unprepared he did not know that would be his last time ever in his tribe.


Otzi only went into to the mountains well dressed but not really prepared for any type of battle. Otzi had 2 finished arrows but 12 unfinished arrows, and his bow was not finished either. Otzi had a couple of tools but none that would be really useful. I honestly don’t know why he didn’t take more but I guess since he’s just running I can see why.


As Otzi was travelling up the mountain he had no clue that he was being stalked. He felt a little erg about it but, he never really thought anything of it. Otzi went to a cave and as he was on the edge of the ridge looking at the cave something hit him. Someone had just shot Otzi in the left should right in the most important artery. As soon as they shot he went into shock and died really quickly. As soon as Otzi went down he went up and pulled the arrow out so no traces would be found. Also the assassinator didn’t take any of the tools that Otzi had. He didn’t do this because his village would know who killed Otzi. The assassinator came from Otzi’s village because he was the one who he got in a fight with. So the man followed him trying to assassinate him the whole time then he found the most perfect moment. The reason he assassinated him was because Otzi was the smartest person ever and so he would prove people wrong. So then the guy did not like him because Otzi was right and he was always wrong. That’s why the fight started then the assassination.

Iceman Narrative H. Patton

It was a cold day up in the mountains. Otzi is running from someone, but who? It seems to be someone Otzi knows. Did he do something wrong? Continue reading to find out.

Otzi kept running up the mountain. He is wear 3 layers of clothes and he has good tools but no weapons. Otzi must have been a very important person, he had copper tools. Otzi had an injured hand from an attack just the other day, so his hand was wrapped in some cloth. He was climbing the mountain to see if there was a spot he could hide from the attackers.

Otzi didn’t a quarter was through but then, he heard the attackers. He quickly ran up farther into the mountain. It suddenly got colder and colder as Otzi climbed higher and higher. He turned back to see nothing but white snow everywhere. Otzi had thought about his last journey, he had went to a forest to hunt for food for his family. Suddenly Otzi’s eye started to tear up but then, the attackers got even closer.

Otzi ran up to the mountain even more and decided to take a break (forgetting about the attackers) Otzi sits down in the cold snow. About 10 minutes passed and Otzi got up he decided that he wasn’t even halfway up the mountain yet. So Otzi climbed higher into the mountain. There was no sign of the attackers so Otzi thought he was safe. He got a quarter and a half up the mountain. He was going to find a hiding place from the attackers.

Otzi reached halfway up and found a hiding spot but, the hiding spot wasn’t good enough. The attackers reached Otzi and attacked. They were fighting for at least 5 minutes until one of the attackers appeared behind Otzi. The attacker had an arrowhead blade attached to a big long stick. The stick was used as the handle for easy access. The attacker in front of Otzi distracted him so he wouldn’t turn around. The other attacker brought his arm back and threw the spear. The arrowhead blade hit Otzi right in the shoulder. Quickly the attackers took the spear out of Otzi’s shoulder but, they left behind the arrowhead.

Soon after the attackers left Otzi collapsed. He had reached the end. He had 3 disease which could of killed him anyway but still Otzi was a very important person. Later on, there was a snowstorm and Otzi’s body got buried in snow. There were 3 searches who went out to look for him. They checked the jungle (he went there on his last trip and often doubles the trip) and they couldn’t find him. So next they went to go check other villages. There was still no sign of Otzi. So there last stop was to check the mountain. They quickly went back to their village and put on 3 layers of clothes (like Otzi did) and went on their way to the mountain. They climbed the mountain and still couldn’t find Otzi (his body is covered with snow) so they returned to their village.

Thousands of years passed and it’s now 2017. Scientist were looking at Otzi’s mystery (The Iceman). They found out where his last trip was to (The mountain). So scientist went back to the mountain (snow was still everywhere) to see if they could find his body. They climbed up to about halfway and they found something (Otzi’s body and stuff). They found his body. They were studying his body, well what was left of his body. They found the arrowhead still in his shoulder and a big hole in the back of his head. Scientist came to the conclusion that he was murdered. They don’t know who did it or why they did it. Otzi’s mystery might always be a mystery.

The life and death of the iceman -T medina

About 4500 BCE and 2500 BCE the iceman was an important person in his tribe because he had a copper bladed axe . He was in his mid 40s and he was small . He was unhealthy because he ate bread,deer and goat and also he survived 3 diseases . Lived in northern Italy where the Alps border it with other countries, had unfinished weapons like his arrows only two of his fourteen arrows were finished . He wore three layers of clothing to keep him warm in the Alps .

He was murdered in the mountains by a single arrow to the left shoulder. Which hit the main vain in his shoulder which made him bled to death increased heartbeat and passed out and died . Then over time the ice and snow preserved the iceman in ice for several thousand years until

A few hikers found him sticking out of the ice and his tools were scattered around the site where they found him .  

J, Stoudt Iceman Tale

Iceman Tale

By: James T. Stoudt


I was in a fight in a village that I came across while hiking. I took a job as a hunter and helped another guy who’s name was mike hunt. I was basically the supplies carrier. One day I asked Mike if I could hunt as well while I was carrying the supplies. He Said “Sure, maybe I could carry the supplies I mean I do need a break from looking down a sight on a bow”. “Ok thankyou” I said. I decided to go to the mountains to hunt and I cut my hand carrying the supplies one time so it was difficult, but when we got there another person with a bow shot me and him. He fled and I fled, both in different directions. I went through the mountains and Mike went to the town. The man followed me I could tell because I could hear him shouting “Hold Still!!” as I ran I saw a Ditch in a glacier. I quickly as fast as I could turn to it and jump down. I started digging then he found me. He bashed me on the head. As I was fainting away I saw him. It was the guy I was fighting with. Then he slowly walked away as I held my last breath.


In Austria there are a lot of mountains that are linked together which take up most of the land there.  The summers do get hot but later in the night it gets cool.  Winters last from December all the way through March. June through August It does get some rain and thunderstorms. How I would adapt to this place? I think it wouldn’t be that hard, except they have longer winters and its cool all the time, Which means keep warm. Also I would have to learn to speak German.

Living in europe


My post is going to be about europe. If you’re from europe and reading this please comment and say what it’s like. Some things that might impact my daily life in europe is there water in and around europe so I might go swimming a lot. Theres also a lot of cities and tourists spots so I might see a lot of tourists. If you’re a sports fan the kind of sports there like rugby,soccer and sometimes football might impact your decision to go see a game.



I want to go to texas. It would be hot so I would need a lot of water and sometimes I might not be allowed to play outside for this reason. I would change the geography to not as hot. I would change that it could be cold for a day or 2 and snow. I would change that there are more rivers and creeks to swim in,too.