A Day In The Stone Age EHoffman

The Ice Age has just ended and there has been many changes to me and my families lives. We now have permanent settlements made out of stone and mud. The only way in is a ladder that goes from the ceiling straight into the house because there are no doors.  We have been very successful in making our own food, we have started farming and growing our own crops instead of gathering them. We have started domesticating animals and now use them to help us farm. We now have a government and all follow the same rules as one another. We also practice the same religion as one another and have built a building called a shrine as our main place to worship. We live near a river and have started building boats to travel down the river on. Our clothing is also a lot different than animal pelts. We are now using a loom to make fabric, since the Ice Age has ended we have been using thinner and lighter clothes because it is not always cold all the time. Life here is a lot more enjoyable we can be outside more and we don’t have to move out houses all of the time. We have more food and a lot of newer technology to make our life a whole lot easier.

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