Haley 's Blog

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Spring Break


Have you ever been camping? Is it fun? Well during the spring break I went camping. The camping was really fun I went with my mom, brother, grandma, grandpa, uncle, aunt and my cousins. My brothers name is Jeremy my cousins names are Gabe, Layla and Peyton also my aunts name is heather and my uncles name is Jim that’s also my dads name but he stayed with my dog because my dog has arthritis.First of all, when we got there we got unpacked after that we kind of relaxed, after we had chilli for dinner but Me my mom and brother didn’t because we went out to eat before we came then we went to bed the next day we moved camping spots to more of a gully because that night it was supposed to storm and have heavy wind and possible tornadoes before it was night time my uncle Jim took me layla and peyton to the movies to watch wonder park because my uncle had poison Ivy and couldn’t go in the pool the next day for peyton’s birthday but before we got there we ended up in Pequea because my uncle made a wrong turn then we got GPS and we got there but we missed it we were 20 minutes late so we went to Mcdonalds and got tickets for the next time it was on at 4:45 Pm we all enjoyed it until I took my cousin peyton t the bathroom because she felt like throwing up after the movie was done we left. Then we went and snuggled in bed when we got home and when we got up the next morning we found out it only rained hard that night the next day was saturday peytons birthday The first thing we did was eat pancakes and sausage nd then we got ready to go do a craft we signed up for then we got our bathing suits on and went to the pool then we went to Applebee’s for dinner and Peyton wanted to get what I got so we both got Mac and cheese with mozzarella sticks and chocolate milk. After that, we went to the store and we bought ice cream then we ate the ice cream I got vanilla and the birthday girl got a huge ice pop. While we were in the store she said to her mom “ Mom since it’s my birthday may I get a stuffed animal.” her mom said yes so she got a dog then when we got back we made S’mores, Then went to bed the next morning we started seeing what the easter bunny got us. Then, we ate breakfast and we all went home .That was my amazing spring break.

Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.


By: Albus Dumbledore ( J K Rowling in Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban).

I think this quote is a good quote. Also what I think it means by even in the darkest times mean even when you have a bad day think of the positive things I also think it means that you Eyes are close and with that the whole thing I think means that comparing to the book Mrs. Hurd read that the quote is true that “There is a reason to be sad but there doesn’t have to be a reason to be happy”. that’s mostly what I think it means and that you can change bad into good and if you have a nightmare you can think of positive things before you fall asleep again.



By: Haley Buohl

What belongs in a garden?


The theme that this story holds that I think is don’t judge the flower by it’s looks because it could be unique and beautiful on the inside. You can also think of positive things about the flower like the smell of it or it’s beautifulness. I can pull evidence from the text when she found the flower she observed it closely and noticed that it’s not like any other flower in her garden so she thought that it was unique so she decided to let the flower be and also she decided to take care of it.

In the article   it says that “The plant should stay and It also says that her grandmother nodded her head  in agreement with her granddaughter. So they both agreed it’s unique so they should keep the beautiful flower.


Also I think that the speakers said the plant should stay was a wise decision because just because it’s diffrent doesn’t mean anything.

Beaches V.S. Mountains



What do you think? In my opinion beaches are better mountains. I like both but beach is more fun because it’s probually hotter in the beach then mountains. One reason is that you get to go in they ocean and have fun but in the mountains there usually isn’t a beach nearby or maybe a pool but not an ocean. Also there is no boardwalk with icecream or anything maybe at the beach if you drive to an ice cream shop or something . Also you won’t get fried ice cream usually at a ice cream shop so that’s another reason why I think the beach is better than the mountains. Next, you can sometimes depending on what beach you go to there can be a huge playground arcade and rides and things you probably will not have that at the mountains. After that, there’s plenty of food on the boardwalk and at the mountains you have to make your food over the fire or drive to get some food. Also, you will most likely get a tan at the beach that really doesn’t usually happen at the Mountains. That’s why I think beaches are better than mountain, but I still like mountains I just like beaches better.

Would You like to visit Cyberia?



Would you like to visit cyberia? I wouldn’t because In there you might die and a very high chance of getting frostbite. Also what frostbite can do to you is it can look like it bit you skin and it really looks nasty. Also, you won’t be able to go out outside there because In the article I’m reading this guy goes out at about -95 negative  ninety five degrees fahrenheit. Also, I love outdoors so I would be pretty upset if I couldn’t go outside for a while.

“It is our choices Harry. That makes us who we are, far more than our abilities.” By: JK Rowling.


I think this means that We have choices and if we make the wrong on we have consequences. So you should make good choices once in a while people make bad choices but that doesn’t mean you have to make those or different bad choices. Also I think what they mean by That makes us who we are means that those good choices make us who we are maybe we’ll even know who we are when we make good choices.Lastly, I think far more than our abilities mean that we have far more power than our abilities.

You’re BRAVER than you believe, and STRONGER than you seem,and SMARTER than you think.


From the movie Winnie the Pooh.I like this poem because some people don’t think there  strong smart or brave, and if they hear that they might feel good about them self.

What I think the  Brave than you believe part means that you are braver than you believe and you will feel so good and you will believe in yourself that  you are braver than you know.

The other part Stronger than you seem. I learned that I am stronger than i think because one time my dog ran I way and I found him while my parents were looking for him on Brimmer avenue and I saw him across the street so I told my brother to come on the porch and I called his name a grabbed his collar and I was pulling and I was about to give up but that I got a good grip and put him in the house.

Lastly, I think the last part mean your smarter than you think or know.

I think this a great quote to make you feel good about yourself.


“The moment you doubt whether you can fly, you cease forever to be able to do it.”


By: Jim Barne from the book “Peter Pan.”

I think this means that the moment you doubt you’ll fly you will soon cease for ever and do it, meaning that the moment when you think you can’t do somthing or aren’t strong enough you will soon cease or get stronger and be able to do it.I like this poem / quote

I think this is a good quote because it’s true when you think you can’t do it you are sad or angry and when you finally cease you know you can do it. Also It is so true because this happens to a lot of  people they think they can’t do but then maybe they get encouraged then they not only can do it but they think and know they can do it.



By: Haley  A Buohl !




Is it fair for one school to have more than another school


I think it is not fair because they might get more field trips than us and I love field trips. Also I’m in the middle because It doesn’t really matter but in my opinion it would not be fair. But mostly I think it is unfair but that’s ,y opinion it doesn’t have to be your opinion though.

I also think it’s unfair because if your the poor school you might not have family fun night or you might not have book fair you might not even have book  it coupons which a coupon for only you to get a free personal panned pizza doesn’t matter what kind.


Also I think it is still not fair because the rich school would get to do all the fun things. So that is why i think it is unfair. You might have a different opinion



Words are, in my not so humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic


By: Albus Dumbledore

Ithink this means that words in my not so humble opinion  mean that maybe it’s not so nice what I’m thinking in my opinion, or it means that you say your  opinion that’s not so nice out loud and hurts someone’s feelings.


Also I think that  the part were it says in our most inexhaustible source of magic maybe means that you say in in an exhausted way and that it is the exhausted source of thee magic which is energy in side of you.



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