Haley 's Blog

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Spring Break


Have you ever been camping? Is it fun? Well during the spring break I went camping. The camping was really fun I went with my mom, brother, grandma, grandpa, uncle, aunt and my cousins. My brothers name is Jeremy my cousins names are Gabe, Layla and Peyton also my aunts name is heather and my uncles name is Jim that’s also my dads name but he stayed with my dog because my dog has arthritis.First of all, when we got there we got unpacked after that we kind of relaxed, after we had chilli for dinner but Me my mom and brother didn’t because we went out to eat before we came then we went to bed the next day we moved camping spots to more of a gully because that night it was supposed to storm and have heavy wind and possible tornadoes before it was night time my uncle Jim took me layla and peyton to the movies to watch wonder park because my uncle had poison Ivy and couldn’t go in the pool the next day for peyton’s birthday but before we got there we ended up in Pequea because my uncle made a wrong turn then we got GPS and we got there but we missed it we were 20 minutes late so we went to Mcdonalds and got tickets for the next time it was on at 4:45 Pm we all enjoyed it until I took my cousin peyton t the bathroom because she felt like throwing up after the movie was done we left. Then we went and snuggled in bed when we got home and when we got up the next morning we found out it only rained hard that night the next day was saturday peytons birthday The first thing we did was eat pancakes and sausage nd then we got ready to go do a craft we signed up for then we got our bathing suits on and went to the pool then we went to Applebee’s for dinner and Peyton wanted to get what I got so we both got Mac and cheese with mozzarella sticks and chocolate milk. After that, we went to the store and we bought ice cream then we ate the ice cream I got vanilla and the birthday girl got a huge ice pop. While we were in the store she said to her mom “ Mom since it’s my birthday may I get a stuffed animal.” her mom said yes so she got a dog then when we got back we made S’mores, Then went to bed the next morning we started seeing what the easter bunny got us. Then, we ate breakfast and we all went home .That was my amazing spring break.

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