Haley 's Blog

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Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.


By: Albus Dumbledore ( J K Rowling in Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban).

I think this quote is a good quote. Also what I think it means by even in the darkest times mean even when you have a bad day think of the positive things I also think it means that you Eyes are close and with that the whole thing I think means that comparing to the book Mrs. Hurd read that the quote is true that “There is a reason to be sad but there doesn’t have to be a reason to be happy”. that’s mostly what I think it means and that you can change bad into good and if you have a nightmare you can think of positive things before you fall asleep again.



By: Haley Buohl

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