Haley 's Blog

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You’re BRAVER than you believe, and STRONGER than you seem,and SMARTER than you think.


From the movie Winnie the Pooh.I like this poem because some people don’t think there  strong smart or brave, and if they hear that they might feel good about them self.

What I think the  Brave than you believe part means that you are braver than you believe and you will feel so good and you will believe in yourself that  you are braver than you know.

The other part Stronger than you seem. I learned that I am stronger than i think because one time my dog ran I way and I found him while my parents were looking for him on Brimmer avenue and I saw him across the street so I told my brother to come on the porch and I called his name a grabbed his collar and I was pulling and I was about to give up but that I got a good grip and put him in the house.

Lastly, I think the last part mean your smarter than you think or know.

I think this a great quote to make you feel good about yourself.


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