Detective Flossy and the case of the bouncing bunny.

Detective Flossy and the Case of the Bouncing Bunny Do you know detective Flossy! You don’t! Shes a famous kid detective.  Her name is really sally but only her parents and teachers call her that.  The kids at school call her detective Flossy.


  Now one day detective Flosses brother(He’s named Carl) came home with a sad expression on his face.  “What’s wrong brother” detective Flossy said.  “Today I was the one to bring home the class bunny for the weekend”Carl said.”I brought home the bunny and set her on my drawer.”Carl said.  “I went to play with my  older 4th grade friend and my 2nd grade friend and  when he went home my bunny was gone!”Carl said”What will I tell my teacher!”  Carl walked away sadly.


  Detective Flossy thought all day about this then she asked her brother”did your friends do anything unusual while you were playing”?  “Why yes he did “said Carl.  “We were playing an his hair got messed up”Carl said”Then he went to put some gel in his hair”.  “Let me see the cage where the bunny was”Detective Flossy said. “OK Sis”Carl said!  They went into the room. “ what is this gooey and sticky stuff”Carl said!  “I don’t know but let me think” detective Flossy said!  “I solved the mystery,  you’re fourth grade friend took it” detective Flossy said!  

                                          How did she know! Comment and tell me!

The look of... R.A. Killmer via Compfight

Detective Flossy

"Can I help?"Creative Commons License Ketzirah Lesser & Art Drauglis via Compfight

The class bunny

Grandson number two and tie-fighter and another Lego he assembled Martin LaBar via Compfight




Black bear Valley part 5

Black Bear Valley part 5

             Characters: Raina , her dad Denis, her sister , her brother Will ,and her mom Sue,Gregory,Ma,Pa,Meg,Mac,Segray.

Narrator:as we last left of Meg went to bed.

Narrator: Meg wakes up.

Meg:Yawwwn good morning Mac.


Narrator:Meg hears a horse neighing.

Meg:It must be the new neighbors.

Narrator:Meg gets dressed and runs down the stairs.

Ma:Hi Meg.

Meg: Where’s Pa?

Ma:Building the house for our neighbors.

Meg:I’m going out to see by

Ma:(she stands in front of the door)Not until you eat you breakfast missy.


Narrator:Meg eats breakfast quickly then gets on her coat and shoes and walks outside.  Raina walks up to her.

Raina:you must be Meg!

Meg:You must be Raina!

Raina: How old are you?


Raina:Im 7 too!

Will:Sis! Where are you?

Raina: I’m over here!

Will:Dad needs your help to bring some stuff out of the wagon.

Raina:Ok brother.

Narrator:Raina goes to help her dad out.

Denis:There you are sweet pea!

Raina:Hi dad.

Narrator:All of a sudden they hear something!


Raina and Denis:What’s that sound.

Gregory:Thats Seagray!


Raina:He’s pretty.

Gregory:Yes he is.

Sue:There you are Rania I was calling for you to help me!

Raina: Mommy this is Meg our new neighbor!

Sue:Hello Meg were is you mom I would like to talk to her.

Meg:Up the hill over there.

Sue:Ok thank you

Meg:You’re welcome

Black Bear Valley Part 4

Part 4

Characters: Meg, Mac, Segray, Ma, Pa,and Gregory

Setting: in the little town of black bear valley and when we  last left off everybody was going to eat lunch.

Ma: Let’s go home and we’ll eat there.

Meg: Ok.

Narrator: Everybody walks home.

Meg: Brrrr it’s cold.

Ma: It’s the end of the fall season now it’s going to be winter.

Pa: We’d better be buying some new coats because our old ones don’t warm us as much as fur does.

Ma: Yes we should.

Gregory: You don’t need to buy any coats because I’ve got wolf fur coats at my home you could use.

 Meg: What about you make little vests for Mac and Segray?

Gregory: I guess I could try!

Ma: Meg I need tell you something exciting!


Ma:We are going to get new neighbors!

Meg: who are they!

Ma:Raina she’s your age,Will the older brother he’s is 11,Denis the dad which he is 35,and Sue she’s 24.

Meg:when will we meet them.



Ma:Pa is going to help them build their new home.

Gregory: I’ll help too!

Meg: Ma can you and me help too?

Ma: yes you will help move some things into their new home

Meg: How far away will they live?

Ma:Just across the river.

Meg:we will have to build a bridge!


Narrator: They got home and everybody sat down.

Meg: Look Ma!


Meg: It’s the first snowfall.

Ma:yes it is and that means it’s time to go to bed!

Meg:Awwwwwwww ok i’ll go to bed ):

Narrator: Meg brushes her teeth then snuggles up in her covers. Then She falls asleep.


Narrator:Then Mac jumps up on her and falls asleep.


A 2.6 E 2.2 I 1.8 M 1.4 O 1.0 S 6 W      2
B 2.5 F 2.1 J 1.7 N 1.3 P 9 T 5 X       1
C 2.4 G 2.0 K 1.6 O 1.2 Q 8 U 4 Y        0
D 2.3 H 1.9 L 1.5 P 1.1 R 7 V 3 Z       0.0


If you can read these next messages comment and tell me what it says!


How do all the oceans say hello to each other?

51.92.20 22.632.2!  


What do you call a pig that knows karate?

2.6 91.071.6!


What animal needs to wear a wig?



What stays in it’s corner but goes around the world?

2.6 652.61.41.1!

What are the strongest creatures in the ocean


Anne Frank-A famous kid

  Have you ever wanted to be famous when you were a kid!  Anne Frank was Famous!  Anne Frank is a 13 year old girl.  She was famous for her diary.  Her diary was very well written.  Her diary was published to public and that’s how she became very famous.


 Anne Frank was born on June 12, 1929.  She was born in Frankfurt Germany.  Her Father was Otto Frank and her Mother was Edith Frank.  Her older sister was Margot Frank.  When she was older she loved writing so on her 12th birthday she got a diary from her parents.  She named it kitty.  In 1933 the Germany Nazizs started to rule the Jews.  One day Anne and her family got a note saying Anne’s older sister had to go to a Jewish camp.  After that day anne and her family went into hiding.  They went to a secret Annex and hid there.  Other families joined in the annex because they were jews.  She got food and water and clothes from the kind outsiders.  But on day Anne and the other people living with her where caught.  Anne went to a Jewish camp.  She caught typhus and died at age 16 on the year 1945.


 Her major accomplishment was her diary.  Otto Frank survived and found Anne Frank’s diary.  He published it as a book for the whole world to see.  Many people know about Anne Frank because of her diary.  Her Diary was well written.


 Today many people know about Anne Frank and her Diary.  She is very Famous and she was just a kid.  Sometimes little people can make big changes in the world.


 The websites I used where

Martin Luther King Jr’s speech

My teacher asked me to explain why I think Martin Luther King Jr gave his famous speech near the Lincoln Memorial.  Martin Luther King Jr gave his famous speech near the Lincoln Memorial Because he was showing the people that this guy over here started to stop segregation and we need to keep trying to stop it! The speech was about the things that still need to stop in segregation like African Americans should be allowed to sit where they want on a bus and not have to give it up to a white people. That all kids (no matter their color’ size’ shape’ or their personality) can all go to school together.This was some reasons why I think  Martin Luther King Jr gave his famous speech near the Lincoln Memorial.