Daily write2

Today its outcast. here we go. Oh and if you havent heared about this go to my first post daily write1.

Once upon a time there was an elephant. His name was branch. This wasnt any elephant. This elephant was born without a trunk. Because of losing his trunk due to his mother being sick while giving birth to him many other elephants and people at the zoo made fun of his trunk. “Hi STUMPY”some would say. Others would say “hahaha hog nose”. Branch hated to be misstreated. When he tryed to go play with the other kids they would beat him up. Evrey time it was feeding time his siblings would push him away. He was also the smallest in the group. His mother soon stopped caring for him and he had to leave the zoo. They put him in a trailer and drove away to his new home. He was given a new chance to live. He was put in a sacturary. He loved it so much better. He was feed each day and the others exepted him. He also loved his freind Josh he was the sactuary owner and evrey morning Josh came down to say hi. At the zoo the mom had been put down and the Baby elephants tusks were removed. So stumpy (I mean branch) lived hapily ever after. The end.

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