Reading Olimpics 2019

Hi im Lily and im going to talk about reading olimpics. Reading olimpics is as you guessed it for readers. Any kid 4rth through 12th can pratacitpate. There are 3 lists middle school ,high school,and elementry. What is the reading olimpics? Well some school pratcicipate in this activity. You have to read most of the books on you list cause this is a compitition. You get put into groups and you have to read the books on this list. I am a middle schooler and im compeating for the party at the end. Only 15 students get to celebrate at the end of the year. So if i want to get there I must read lots of books. How do you win this? Well you must answer questions at the end of the year about thease books. They are NOT multible choise. They are like what color was the backpack so and so was wearing.  If you are intrested in reading thease books then go to

Any one can read thease even if they are not praticipateing.  On mondays I will be haveing a blog post time where we comment on this post and we say if we read it or not an we explain the book to other veiwers. I recomend thease books. Byez

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