Day: February 5, 2016

How would you summarize “How to Become a United States Presidential Candidate.

When there is an election people run to be a candidate. Without the support of the major parties it is very hard to become a presidential candidate.Before they can run for president they have to be chosen by a political party. The parties provide support including funding, opportunities to easily send messages and ideas to many people. People vote for the presidential candidate. Major political parties have a national convention during election time. The delegates vote the formal votes for the party’s candidate. The candidate who gets the most delegates votes becomes the party’s candidate for the office of the president of the United States.


I think that we made a good summary because we stated how the order of how to do it. I also think that we did a good job summarizing because we sated some details that were needed. Another reason why I think that we did a good job summarizing because we stated what you need to do to go through the process. Finally, I think that we did a good job summarizing because we said the stages from candidate to presidential candidate.


Summaries don’t need extra things that are not needed and we didn’t do that. Plus we made it clear that the author also thought it was hard to become a presidential candidate. It even says in the article, “Selecting a president has been an increasingly complex process over the past two centuries.”  We also made it clear how to become a presidential candidate. This is how we would summarize “How to Become a United States Presidential Candidate.                 

Watertown, Beaver Dam, and OshkoshCreative Commons License Tom Barrett via Compfight

Think of a story you could write in which the characters face a challenge at sea.

“Sally! What do we do?” said Brian. Sally is 25 and Brian is 14. Brian got lost on his snowmobile. While he was riding in the Alaskan breeze, the ice below was melting. Then all of a sudden the ice fully broke into small pieces and Brian was stuck on one. Luckily the ice block had a little cave inside, so Brian decided to hide there, out of the cold, until someone came to look for him.