Month: December 2015

What does the man in the yellow suits actions tell you about his character

Image result for spies                                                                              I think the man in the yellow suit is mysterious. I think this because you don’t really know what he will do next. He also stole the Tuck’s horse without them knowing. I choose this picture because you can’t tell who this person is, like the man in the yellow suit. This is how I think the man in the yellow suit is mysterious.

How is the movement of water important to the conversation

Tuck and Winnie were talking calmly and not like there is a problem or anything. The water is moving slowly and calmly, too. okay, what I mean is that there is not much motion during the conversation. The boat eventually got caught and then the conversation stopped just like the boat did. This is how the movement of the water important to the conversation.

What is your reaction to the tucks home? Is it a place you would like to be? Why or why not?

I was very impressed by their house. I thought it was going to be very crowded and not so spaces. I would like to live in their house because I also live in a cottage like theirs but we don’t have a second flour and ours is not very spaces. I would also like to live there because I could have my own space and have my own floor too. This is my reaction to the Tucks house, and why I would like to live there.