Billy’s Tale by Trinity and Tate


One day Billy Bob was born on December 13th and when he was he weighed 355lbs. He ate anything that was food. One day Billy saw some of mom’s special cookies and ate them all in 3 bites. He got even bigger and didn’t fit into his crib.Then one day when he was about 4 years old he learned how to walk but he got bigger and bigger that he was even taller than his dad. Because he was so big he couldn’t fit in the house, so he had to live outside. For showers he was so big he had to shower in the waterfall.Then when Billy was an adult his dad told Billy that it was time he got a job. Billy worked at a construction sight. He was hired by his dad’s friend Bob the builder. He was really anxious to work.

         Then one day Bob gave Billy a raise because he made a birdhouse.Then Billy was surprised he gave him a raise I mean after all it is BOB THE BUILDER!!!! Billy was given the most hardest job he was going to build a plastic skyscraper.Then Billy had to buy a lot of toys and melt them so he can mold the plastic into a skyscraper.Billy first started with molding the design Bob made was not simple so he had to work really hard.

He was told to build a 10,000 feet tall skyscraper. And the deadline was on August 26th, and today was April 20th so he got about 4 months. Billy got done 1/10,000 of his work done. Bob knew he would get it done, so he changed the deadline to June. Billy was freaking out and started working 24/7. Except for 1 minute because he had breakfast, lunch, and dinner. After 1 week Billy got done 2,500/10,000 so he had lots of confidence with finishing. He thought to himself that this is a piece of cake. Billy worked day and night and by the end of August he had ½ of it done.

Bob was actually surprised that Billy was almost done. On September 12th he finished the skyscraper. Bob was amazed and promoted Billy. Billy was so excited so he jumped up and down and made a hole that’s now called the Grand Canyon. He cried tears of joy and made a huge waterfall called the Niagra Falls. He got rich and got a mansion because he didn’t fit in his house. He got married had 1 kid named Dipper. His kid was even taller than him at 55 ft. And Billy had a tall life.