All about me!

My name is Sarina. I have a dog named Buster he a dachshund, he is 3 years old, and we got him in December, 2015. My favorite thing to do in my free time time gymnastics. I have 1 brother, Todd, he is 16. I enjoy swimming with my friends, going to different states for vacation, and ziplining. The skill I am best at is Math. If I had to choose a favorite subject I would choose ELA. If I could have anything it would be a pet Whale.


If I could live anywhere I would live inside of the Eiffel tower, I would like to live in the Eiffel tower because I have always wanted to go and I think it would be cool to live in it and be able to see the whole city of Paris. If I had to describe my family as a noise it would be the seagulls from Finding Dory and Finding Nemo. The skill I struggle with most is the different abbreviations of words. The thing I would like to change about the world is, everybody would be nice to each other and not make fun of people.

That’s All About me!


4 thoughts on “All about me!

  1. Hi Sarina it’s Lila I really liked how you explained yourself and how nice you introduced yourself. I wish you would’ve wrote a little more. I wonder if one day you would ever get to go to paris and see the eifell tower.

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