Chelsey’s dog!!

Helllooooo besties! I’m going to tell the amazing story of Chelsey’s dog, Geo. Geo is a golden lab and is a boy. He was born a year ago and is almost potty trained but he still pees in the house. Geo has 7 sisters and 5 brothers, he was also the only golden one in his litter. Geo loves to play but after 30 minutes he gets tired and sleeps for 2 hours! After school today i’m probably going to go to Chelsey’s house and play with Geo. Dawkins, my dog, loves Geo and they are besties! Oh and one more thing yesterday, Geo was peeing outside and Dawkins was out there with him and Dawkins drank Geo’s pee like a rat! It was so disgusting! Anyways, it was fun talking but I’m going to go! BYE BYE!!!



3 thoughts on “Chelsey’s dog!!

  1. Wow, Lynly! Thank you for sharing about Geo! I like how you explained a little bit about Geo, what he likes to do, etc. I wonder why they named him Geo.

    • They named him Geo because Geo, which is short for Geovany, in a different language mean John which is Chelsey’s brothers name.

  2. WOW, that A LOT of siblings! I would go crazy if I had that many siblings! I love how thorougly you explained stuff about Geo. I also wonder why is his name Geo? You should ask CHELSEA.(Thats how you spell it!)

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