the boys from tj

This blog is about the boys Cody and Noah okay first we will play Fortnite together every day we will play arena that has very good people and we will play box fights and we will win and lose a 50 50 percent chance that we will win and lose and then we will play battle royale and we sometimes get a dub and last we will go into creative and play and get xp.

favorite food

My top four fav food number one is fries they can be crunchy soft anything and the amount of salt you put on them is what makes them good. number two is my dad’s steak it is the best steak you will ever have he puts this season on it and cooks it just right. number 3 chicken tenders at the football games that are away I will always get chicken tenders and the ones at chicks and pets are the best number 4 my dad’s eggs are good because they have papers onions and he puts old bay on them with more seasonings and that’s all.