Is DEFORESTATION An Issue Kids Should Worry About?

Deforestation is when forests are getting cut down to make cities, farming and paper.  I think kids should worry about deforestation because, more than 2,000 of the 3,000 identified plants with cancer fighting properties grow only in rainforest.  If we cut all of it down we won’t be able to heal the people who have cancer.


I think kids should worry about deforestation is  if deforestation continues at its current rate it will take less than 100 years to destroy all the rainforests on earth!    ( That’s pretty bad! )  If we have no rainforest the air would be really sloppy.


Another reason why kids should worry about deforestation is, forests covers about 30% of the earth. Forests hold 70% of the world’s plants and animals.  ( That’s a lot! ) If we cut down forests a lot of animals will become extinct.


Also another reason why kids should worry about deforestation is an estimation of 18 million acres of the world’s forest are being destroyed each year.  That’s close to the size of South Carolina. ( That’s gigantic! )  If we lose all the forest then animals will become extinct.  And there will be no plants nor animals left on the planet.  NO ZOO’S! Because they won’t be able to find the animals that go to the zoo. People argue with this because loggers will have to lose there jobs.  


Another reason why kids should worry about deforestation because the biggest direct cause of tropical deforestation is subsistence agriculture, converting the land into pasture for livestock or to grow crops for one’s family.  I think we should try to find land without cutting down forests, if we can’t discard of buildings we don’t really use.

That is what I think about deforestation.

1 Comment

  1. deforestation is a BIG thing animals might go, without animals WE WILL DIE

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