Pathways to Success

Garden Spot High School

Natalie Eberly Earns Pet Grooming Certificate

I’m Natalie Eberly and I participated in the Pathways Co-Op program at Garden Spot High School my senior year (2018-2019). This class gave me the opportunity to start planning for the future while I was still in high school. This was really helpful because no one ever really tells you how fast the real world can sneak up on you.

During this class, I worked at Martin’s Trailside Express as well as my family farm.  In class I had the dream of becoming a pet groomer.  While enrolled in co-op I earned the WorkKeys Certificate by completing the WorkKeys curriculum and passing the WorkKeys assessment at CareerLink Lancaster.  This certificate made me eligible to receive the Business and Education Partnership grant towards my pet grooming certificate.

Right after graduation, I enrolled in a 5-week training program with Cindy’s Canine Companions.  The BEP grant paid for the tuition and the supplies that were required to complete the course.   I earned my grooming certificate on July 16 and am now certified to groom pets.

To get started in my pet grooming career, I reached out to the CEO of Garden Spot Village.  After meeting with Steve Lindsey, CEO, I got the approval to open my own dog grooming business at Garden Spot Village where I will be able to groom all of the resident’s dogs. I was given my own room within the Garden Spot Village community and will start grooming there in the first week of September. I also continue to groom dogs on the side at my home.


jhackman • August 21, 2019

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