Pathways to Success

Garden Spot High School

Keira Steiner – Elementary Education Internship

Hello! My name is Keira Steiner and I am a senior at Garden Spot High School. This semester I have the privilege of interning in Christina Esh’s Kindergarten classroom at Blue Ball Elementary School. I spend three mornings a week in the classroom and assist the learners and Mrs. Esh as they work through their morning routines. As I have worked in this classroom I have learned so much about the qualities that a Kindergarten teacher should have to run a successful classroom.

I am in the classroom Monday-Wednesday between 9:00-11:00, which is the time they focus on their reading and writing. When I first arrive, the learners are also arriving. I walk around and greet them all at their tables while they work with their STEM bins and eat breakfast. During this time Mrs. Esh will also let me know of any work she needs me to do that day. I have copied, cut, printed, made packets, solved puzzles, as well as other things. I appreciate that she shows me the “behind the scenes” and allows me to see what goes into each lesson plan. While I complete my individual tasks the students go to the carpet and are introduced to new words and reminded of words they had learned previously. This is done through songs, books, stories, and engagement with the learners. I have really enjoyed watching them learn and grow as well as observing the way she makes it fun and interesting to learn, and I have also found it so inspiring to see how much each and every learner loves and respects her.

When they are done on the carpet they are split up to work on individual stations, as well as get “teacher time” with Mrs. Esh and a few other learners. My job during this time is to assist and encourage them as they work on new words, sounds, and sentences. Many days I will sit next to learners as they complete their work and help them sound out words and explain what some of the unfamiliar words mean. Following stations they have their writing time. As they write I talk to each learner and ask them questions to give them writing ideas.

I walk into the school happy to be there each day! I have learned so much in the time I have spent there and I am looking forward to learning more. In the past few months, I have made connections and relationships with the students and staff. The opportunity to work in this classroom has made me so excited to see what the future holds, and I cannot wait to see how this experience will help me when I have a classroom of my own!


jhackman • April 21, 2024

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