Pathways to Success

Garden Spot High School

Emma Felpel – Elementary Education Internship

Hello, my name is Emma Felpel. I am a senior at Garden Spot High School, and my internship is at Blue Ball Elementary School. I am interning with Mrs. Heckman and Mrs.Bliss. I am interning in 2 different classrooms but they are both 1st grade. My responsibility is to make sure the kids are doing what they are supposed to be doing. I also read them stories during their writing and reading stations. I make copies for the teachers and do things the teachers ask me to do. I am grateful to have the opportunity to experience what it is like in a 1st-grade classroom.

Having a teaching internship has been very fun. When I am in the classroom I have learned a lot of things. Something that I learned in a 1st-grade classroom is that the kids can’t sit still for a long period. There are times that we have to stop our lessons so the kids can take a break. After the kids ispartan the kids have a brain break where the kids do something called go noodle and they dance to the songs or whatever is playing. While teaching you have to have patience because the kids get upset and mad easily.

I am so grateful to have the opportunity if you want to become a teacher. I highly encourage you to do an internship. It may be hard to be a teacher but it is so much fun to work with the kids and have conversations with the kids. You get to help the kids grow and help them with their work. One thing I recommend is having a lot of patience because some students have big emotions.

Being an intern has made me want to become a teacher or something that involves working with younger kids. Having this experience shows me the benefits of being a teacher. It’s cool to see how you have an impact on the kids. Throughout the time I was there I developed relationships and memories with the kids. But it was also nice seeing 2 different teachers teaching and the different strategies that they use. The skills and knowledge that I gained will forever have an impact on my life.


jhackman • April 1, 2024

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