Pathways to Success

Garden Spot High School

Alex Horst – Stainer Co-Op

My name is Alex Horst. I work at New Holland Church Furniture as a stainer/ sprayer. New Holland Church Furniture is located in New Holland, Pennsylvania and we make custom church furniture for churches all across North America. I work in the finishing department where I stain, sand, and spray. I recently started to learn how to spray and plan to start spraying more often.

Sometimes I stain or work on the line. If I stain then I get set up to stain whatever my manager has planned for me with a variety of different stains. If I work on the line I sometimes spray sealer. Once the sealer is dry I scuff sand the sealer off of the wood because it is rough. Then my coworker will put a topcoat on and I will unload it.

While working at New Holland Church Furniture I learned how to work with my coworkers. I also learned how to work with different types of wood and stains. I have learned how to teach new coworkers how to do their jobs. I have learned how to be really detailed in everything I do. My work needs to be high quality. I always had an interest in woodworking, and hope to find a job in the area of construction or manufacturing.


jhackman • January 21, 2024

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