Pathways to Success

Garden Spot High School

Davia Zimmerman – Business Internship

Hi, My name is Davia Zimmerman and I am a senior at Garden Spot High School. I am interning with Garden Spot Fire Rescue, for an overall business focus. My mentor Nick Good is the Director of Administration and Public Relation Information Officer at GSFR. For college I will be attending West Chester University and will be minoring in business, and this internship has and will help me in all my future business endeavors.

The work I do around the office usually consists of a variety of different tasks such as making and scheduling social media marketing posts, updating information for fire fighters into the computer system, filling in training hours, counting donation amounts, and any extra tasks I can take off my mentor’s plate. I’ve learned that having a plan for a day sometimes changes and that is an okay thing; it depends on timing, what’s going on, and who is around the office on certain days. Being adaptive and delegation are skills that I have learned from shadowing and doing things around the office.

Some of the specific projects I have worked on are creating marketing posts for fundraisers like the Easter Candy and Flower Sale. Since GSFR is a non-profit organization all of their funds come from donations so advertising these sales are very important in creating a balanced budget to better serve the community. Along with that I have created a post that promotes the Cadet Fire Camp which is an experience to help create an interest in the Junior Firefighting program at GSFR and provide our community with more help. The biggest project is updating files and information because throughout my time at the fire company they are starting to transfer information onto a cloud server online.

I have learned a great amount during my time at Garden Spot Fire Company that I will be able to use in my future career and life. Learning how to manage my work and time, realizing organization is key when working with lots of people, and the importance of relationships. As one gentleman at GSFR told me, “Everyday is an interview, because you never know when that relationship will be helpful in the future.” and that advice will stick with me for the rest of my life in all aspects.


jhackman • May 22, 2023

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