Pathways to Success

Garden Spot High School

Cierra Hunsecker – Veterinary Internship

Hello, my name is Cierra Hunsecker. My internship is at The New Holland Veterinary Hospital across the street from Garden Spot High School. I have thought about becoming a veterinarian since I was little, and this internship was a perfect opportunity to see what my future would be like. Although I am not able to participate in many things, having the privilege to observe surgeries and daily tasks has taught me so many things.

With being at a veterinarian hospital, no day is like another. I do not have any specific job duties, as I just help with what comes in during the day. For example, some days I get to watch surgeries and ask questions when I feel the need to. Some of the surgeries I have shadowed are neuters, spays, castrations, dental, eye surgery, a pyometra, and more. I have also been able to help with C-sections, and I have to help the animal to start breathing. Another job duty is getting supplies for the veterinarian while he/she is in surgery. For my daily routine, I come in at either eight or nine in the morning and meet with my mentor. We talk about the surgeries for the day, and I ask any questions if I need to. I go around the hospital watching the veterinarians and technicians with their morning tasks and help out when I can. If there is surgery to observe, I do that. If there is no surgery going on, I assist the technicians. Sometimes I hold the animals for injections, blood draws, nail clippings, or other tests. I also help with setting up the animals for surgery.

I have also grown a tremendous amount during my internship. I came in not knowing a lot of terms, conditions, and tasks a normal veterinarian or technician would know. Now that I have been interning for a while, I have been taught many of these things and continue to learn each day. Being able to see what veterinary staff have to go through, with a lot of it being hard and emotional, has taught me how to treasure the good things that go on each day. This internship has only made me want to become a veterinarian even more. It has influenced me to pursue what I love and go to college for this career. I have talked with many veterinarians about college, which has helped me decide on which colleges I want to apply to and what major to go into.

Overall, my experience at The New Holland Veterinarian Hospital has been great. I have learned so much and continue to do so every day. I have met and been able to talk to so many unique and talented people. They have all inspired me to continue with what I am doing and to peruse my goals. I would absolutely encourage everyone to participate in an internship, as it is a great way to learn and see what a real career in something you are interested in is like.


jhackman • January 9, 2023

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