Things To Do On A Skateboard



Things To Do On A Skateboard


     Skateboarding is one of my favorite activities that I do.  You can skate by simpily getting yourself a skateboard, it isn’t that hard.  Skating takes a lot of practice, but sooner or later, you get the hang of it.  There are a lot of tricks you can do on skateboards, I will tell you some of them.  The first trick most skaters learn, is the ollie.  An ollie is when you crouch down on your skateboard, and you shove your left foot down, while you jump.  It sounds complicated, but it’s really not.  The next trick is the shove it.  It’s done just as it sounds.  This trick is a little bit harder, what you need to do is jump in the air, and shove you’re skateboard down, and twisting it.  It sounds very hard, but again it’s not that hard.


Whenever I skate, I like to do tricks.  If tricks aren’t your thing in skating, their are many more things to do.  If you want, you can go to a skatepark, many skaters go to a skatepark to test their skills.  What you can do there is halfpipes, ramps, jumps, and railings.  ramps our the easiest things to do, you get on your  skateboard, and just like you’re on scooter take one foot off, and push the ground.  Keep on pushing until you get to the ramp, and then get your balance, and prepare to go down.  Halfpipes, are underground two sideded ramps.  There is a half a ramp on one side, and guess what, another half ramp on the other side.


To do a Halfpipe, you drop your  skateboard in the halfpipe, and push with your foot, and you go up the one side, and then you go down and you go up the other side, and it keeps going until it loses speed.  On a jump you zoom up to whatever you’re trying to jump, and jump on it than you fall off.  That’s how you do that.  Railings are the hardest  things to do at a skatepark.  First you need to jump on the rail, twist you’re skateboard so the rail is grinding the wood, and than jump of.  They can take a long time to master.


Another thing that’s fun is just going down your sidewalk.  Run to wherever you feel comfortable, and jump on your skateboard, and just go down the sidewalk.  As you get more comfortable, you can go higher, and higher.  Make sure you watch out for stones on your  way down!  If you are a beginner, it’s better to get pads, so if you fall you don’t get hurt.  Skating is a very fun thing a lot of people like to do, including me, and I hope you like to do it to.