South Pole Santa

South Pole Santa


We have all heard of Santa Claus, a man who give presents to all the good children, and coal to the bad ones.  But none of us of heard of South Pole Santa.  Let me tell you a story of him.  South Pole Santa wheres a black coat, and black gloves, and a black hat, and black pants.  So he looks like santa, but all dressed in black.  Most people call South Pole Santa, Anti Santa.  So Anti Santa is Santa’s older brother, and he’s the exact opposite.


Antia Santa punishes you, and gives you coal to.  He punishes you by… a form of torture, A TICKLE TORTURE!!! But this will be the worst tickle torture ever, and if you are not ticklish, he makes you ticklish. The tickle torture lasts 2 hours, and it really teaches you a lesson.  He lives in the south pole, with evil elves, the elves our more evil than Anti Santa.  That’s just a statement of opinion, but I think Anti Santa is worse.


Anti Santa can do way worse things to you, so don’t mess with him EVER.  There was once a kid who was bad ALL year round.  On Christmas eve Anti Santa tickled him so bad, he never was bad again.  He also gave the kid more coal than Santa did.  As the years went by, Anti Santa grew older and older, and he lost all of his skin, now he is way meaner, and way more evil, and his name is now Krampus.


Now never ever EVER be bad, or you will have the worst time of your life with Krampus.  Now Krampus is more evil than anyone, and if you’re bad, he will give you a visit, and you will never be bad again, if you live to be good…





“WAKE UP, WE CAN’T LOSE YOU  NOW!!!” “WAKE UP! WAKE UP!!!  AAAAAA Chet woke up, and noticed it was a dream.  “WAKE UP!!!”  His sister was yelling at him the whole time.  Chet dreamed he was on a space mission, and something went wrong.  But he didn’t know what.  “Finally you’re wake.”  His sister said under her breath.  His sister was Mia.  Mia was older than Chet, and usually took advantage of it.  Chet was in 5th grade, and Mia was in 9th.  Chet loved space, LOVED it.  He knew so much about it.  When Chet is older, he wants to be an astronaut.


Chet wanted to be the first person on mars, but he knew that someone would be there before him.  “Chet, this is why you’re always late for school.”  His mom said.  “You need to learn how to get up more earley, ok?”  Chet’s Mom always tries to get Chet to wake up earlier.  “The bus is here already.”  His mom told Chet.  “ok, i’m not blind I can see that mom.” Chet told his mom.  Chet went outside and got on the bus.  School was very, very boring.  Let me tell you what happened in a few words, math, reading, science, social studies, and other boring things.


When Chet got home, his mom wasn’t home.  Neither was Mia.  “Mom Mia, were our you?” Chet asked.  No one answered.  ZZZM, KAPOSH!!!!!!! A massive explosion happened, the whole army was out side.  There was a weird spaceship was heading towards the world.  Aliens were pouring out of the spaceship.  All of the sudden, someone grabbed Chet, it was a soldier.  All of the sudden, a shot went right into Chet.


                                                                                                                       To be continued…

Is Deforestation An Issue Kids Should Worry About?

Deforestation is an issue kids should worry about.  Deforestation is when people cut down trees, for supplies like paper, and wood. If we keep cutting down trees, we won’t have as much oxygen as we have now.  If we stop this, we will also run out of paper, but some authors make their own paper, so we could make our own too.  18 million acres of the world’s trees have been cut down.  That’s almost the size of South Carolina.  That is too many trees.  We need to stop this.  If we continue this, we will kill many plants and animals.  A lot of species that will soon all die out.  Global warming also happens, and I don’t think anyone cares.  Deforestation is an issue kids should worry about, what do you think about deforestation? Tell me in the comments.

IMG_0008 Ron Savage via Compfight

Evaluating The Challenge: Week 10 blog challenge, part 2

Evaluating The Challenge


This is officially my last post for the Student Blog Challenge, until it starts up again.  I had learned one very important thing about blogging, that one thing is writing is a process, what I mean by that is, you can’t just throw something together, you need to take time and edit it.  When I was young, I used to just write something really quick, and it would be horrible.

The most interesting challenge for me was actually week 9.  In week 9, it just told us to write the best story we could, and I made mine good enough to make it on the flipboard magazine.  I never thought I could make it on the flipboard.  I never myself actually read the flipboard magazine, the only way I knew what was on it was because people told me.

On our computers, we couldn’t access the flipboard magazine, we had to do it at home.  I usually commented on other people’s blogs.  I didn’t get many comments myself.  I visited people mostly everyday, I thought it was fun.  My plus about the challenge is I had fun, The minus about the challenge is it got old once in awhile, an interesting thing is I wrote more than one thing every week.

Well I had a great time with the blog challenge this year, I am looking forward to the second one, but I think I am ready for a break for now.  


Your Invited!!!

You’re Invited!!!

You’re Invited to a Christmas party, at 6:00 pm, and going to 10:00 pm!  It is at a brown house on Hobson Street, it also has a LOT of Christmas lights.  It’s on Christmas Eve!  Then you can go home and get some sleep, and then you will be ready for Christmas!  There will be a lot of good food, including beef, turkey, cookies, and a chocolate fountain!  There will also be many desserts including, cake, hot cocoa, some tasty gingerbread men, and rock candy covered pretzel sticks!  Yum!

If you want to you can wear Christmas costumes such as, Santa costumes, elf costumes, gingerbread man costumes, snowman costumes, and Christmas tree costumes!  We will also be holding an ugliest Christmas sweater contest, so be sure to bring them!  The prize you can win is a gingerbread house kit!

At about 8:30 we will do a gift exchange, then we will watch a Christmas movie called Home alone, or Elf.  We will vote for which one.  You can do whatever you want, as long as it’s not destroying the house.  At around 10:00, you will have to go.  Oh!  One thing we forgot to say, NO PARENTS ALLOWED!!!   MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

Any questions?  Call 000-000-0000 (don’t actually call.)

People Coming:

  1. Jerry
  2. Luna
  3. George
  4. Hubert
  5. Holly
  6. Julie
  7. Frank
  8. Hannah
  9. John
  10. Mikayla
  11. Steve

My Audit #16STUBC Week 10 Blog Challenge

My Audit

These 10 weeks of the student blog challenge has held many things.  I did a lot in the student blog challenge,  and at the same time I did other things.  I have wrote 29 posts on my blog in all, this will be my 30th.  17 of my posts I did in school, and 12 of them I did for the blog challenge.  I had 9 widgets on my blog this year.  I think I could’ve added more.  I was limited to widgets though, but at home I could add them.  My Favorite post I wrote was My Favorite Holiday, or Ch1 of world war 3. I will be writing more of the World War 3 stories later on.

I changed my theme only once, the reason I switched my theme was because My first one was ugly.  So then I changed it.  I also had 29 comments on my blog.  I think I could’ve gotten more than I have.  My most popular post was Week 4 Student Blog Challenge: Tornado Drill.  If you want to check it out, the link is right here   I have 5 links to other global students’s blogs, and my classmate’s blogs.  I would like to add more.  I think I will later on then.  I didn’t use any web tools on my blog, but I know I will soon after the blog challenge.  

I will be participating in the 2nd student blog challenge, so look for my blog on the second student blog challenge.  Happy blogging!!!   

My Nominee For Best Blog: Week 9 Blog Challenge #16STUBC

My Favorite Blog

This is my favorite blog on the student blog challenge.  My favorite blog is Fernando’s blog.  Fernando’s blog is a very good blog, because it is very funny.  There are a lot of very good posts that you can read on his blog.  There is a powerpoint on his blog, the powerpoint is probably the funniest part of his blog.His blog is just so much fun,  the first time I went to his blog, I just wanted to stay there the whole time.

 WARNING: If you have loud and uncontrollable laughter, do not come to this blog.  If you come to this blog, you get a free tutorial of how to dab, in an extremely funny way.  If you want to come to his blog, I will give you the link to it right here WARNING: This blog has a Los Angeles Lakers background, so try to ignore it.  If you go to his blog, you will well agree that he has the best blog.   

Luke Howard Poem

Luke Howard Poem

  By: Ashton & Kate

He was born on November 28, 1772

He was interested in clouds, are you?

He had many brothers, and one sister

His dad didn’t like them being lazy

Especially Luke, who was a bit dazy

He did not go to church

He went to a boarding school

He did not think it was cool

He got a job of making medicine

He made medicine day after day,

and that is how he got good pay.

He quit to study clouds

His father told him to not study clouds,

and that speech did not make him proud

He joined a club that studied science

Every week they would share their studies

They did not share about frogs or bunnies

Luke was brave to share his essay

He named some clouds like the puffy ones in the sky

That could help people invent something to fly

His essay hot printed and read all around

Later some scientist changed it

But only a bit

He married a lady named Marabella

He died at the age of 91

On March 21, 1864

And soon after that, people some learned more.

My Favorite Holiday

My Favorite Holiday

This is my favorite holiday.  My favorite holiday really isn’t that surprising.  It is…CHRISTMAS!!!

I think that Christmas is better than all the holidays mixed together.  The reason I like Christmas so much is because everything!  The food, the presents, the decorations, the music, the family, and I could go on and on and on about why I like Christmas so much.  You usually get to see family you haven’t seen in a long time.

As soon as Thanksgiving is over, my family get RIGHT into Christmas mode.  We set up all of our lights, the tree, and we put Christmas music on.  When December starts we start the Elf ON The Shelf Christmas tradition.  I don’t believe in it, but it’s ok if you do.  If you don’t know what the Elf On The Shelf Is, it’s a little elf that every day till Christmas he moves around, and does random things.

If you’re new to the Christmas holiday, Christmas Actually starts on the night before Christmas, when a man named Santa Claus comes down your chimney (or door), and gives you presents if you were good.  If you were bad he gives you coal.  If you were really bad a man named Krampus comes to you, and punishes you, and if you were extremely bad he puts you in a cylinder basket on his back, and takes you away to the underworld, forever.  Krampus isn’t really an american thing, it’s more of a European thing.  It’s also said he is mythical.

Christmas is holiday celebrated in mainly in America.  What is your favorite holiday?  

If you want to learn more about Christmas come to and learn more!  Want to learn more about Santa Claus? Come here and learn more!  Want to learn more about Krampus? Come here and learn more!

World War III Subchapter: Nicolie Fronsity

World War III Subchapter: Nicolie Fronsity

This chapter will not be like any other chapter.  This one is about the worst dictator in the world.  Nicolie Fronsity’s great great grandpa, was Adolf Hitler.  Nicolie was very mad his great great grandpa lost the war, so he wanted revenge.  Nicolie wanted revenge, if it was the last thing he got.  He began working on his revenge in 2016, the year Donald Trump was elected.  He has done nothing else but worked on a massive nuclear weapon, that would be so devastating, their would be a huge gap in the ocean were the U.S. was.

Nicolie started out as a multi billionaire.  He used to be the boss of a huge popular auto parts company.  Than he quit to build the weapon.  He is almost done with the weapon.  Soon he will force people to join his new army.  If they don’t join, he will give them the WORST experience of their lives, and their families.  Once he’s done, he will wait to use until he has an army to take over

the rest of the world.

This wasn’t really a chapter of the story, this was just information of Nicolie Fronsity.  In the next chapter we will get back to the main story.