November 22

Tigers Freewrite


 “The best of the beasts”

By Elise


Tigers are one of my favorite animals because I wish to be one if I had to choose to be an animal.  They are very special to me because my favorite colors together are orange, black and white which are the colors of a tiger.  Also I like the tiger because it makes me feel strong and filled with power when it ROARS!!!  When I get left out it makes me feel good when I think about tigers because then I feel like I am not supposed to be feeling sad.

Their Unique Part

I think that tigers have a unique part in themselves.  I think that there is a very unique part in tigers because to me, it feels like they are the MOST powerful animal in the world!  If I am sad, mad or feeling down, I just think about tigers and how special they are to me.  This makes me feel happy and cheered up by the way that a tiger would live.

Where They Live

These amazing creatures live in Asia, Turkey and Russia.  The tigers usually live in these areas and they live near grasslands and some tropical mangrove swamps.  Through the gone 100 years, tigers  have lost 93% of their historic range, and have been eliminated from southwest and central Asia, also from the islands of Java and Bali, and also from big parts of Southeast and Eastern Asia.  

A Tiger’s Relatives A tiger has a couple of species that look like them and are related to them.  One is a Lion.  The lion is one of the species that is related to the tiger.  Lions are big and strong as what I believe is like the tiger mostly.  Also many people call the lion the king of the jungle.  I think that tigers should be called that, but I still like lions the way they are and the way people call them with their known name, “King Of The Jungle.”

Also one of the tiger’s relatives is the Jaguar.  A jaguar is a relative of the tiger and they have a lot in common about where they live and about their habitat.  The jaguar is very camouflage to their environment because they have many spots on themselves.  Jaguars are the third-largest feline after the tiger and lion.  Also the leopard is one of the relatives of the tiger.  A leopard is one of the “five big cats” as the tiger, jaguar, leopard, cheetah and the lion.  There are also some other cats that are like the tiger.


The tiger likes to feed on large and medium-sized animals.  Their prey is usually saiga antelope, camels, Caucasian wisent, yak and also wild horses.  They also can eat very tiny like monkeys, peafowl and other ground-based birds, hares, porcupines and fish.  In Sumatra, prey such as sambar deer, muntjac, wild boar, Malayan tapir and orangutan.  Sometimes tigers will eat vegetation for dietary fibre like fruit from the slow match tree.  

Posted November 22, 2016 by krock950 in category Uncategorized

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