Happy New Year! Happy January!


The Flat-Nosed Snowman
Creative Commons License Photo Credit: Nate via Compfight

Happy New Year

I hope you had a fabulous time off and were able to spend time together with family and friends! I cannot believe that we are beginning the New Year already. This month is going to be quite busy with different projects and learning objectives! This week, we begin reading our main selection, Dear Juno, which focuses on drawing conclusions and making inferences! We will take a look at different stories in which we will summarize and compare the story to our own life! This week, we will be completing our District Writing Sample for the 2nd quarter too!

Over the month of January, we will be studying maps and learning about the land features and different components of maps. We will have some hands-on building of our own map in our homeroom class, which you will receive more information about soon!

I am excited about the month of January and all that we will do during the month. Here is an overview of the district calendar with dates for the month of January!

January 5th: Return to School

January 16th: End of the 2nd Quarter

January 19th: No School (Teacher In-Service Day)

As always, if you have any questions, feel free to contact me through at my school phone number or my email!

Stay Warm in the Month of January!

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