Thoughts from Mr. Cox – February

Good morning everyone!

What a wonderful morning it is… watching the sun rise and colors spread across the sky as darkness turns to daylight always puts a smile on my face. We can get so busy that we fail to notice the beauty that surrounds us every day. Each of you have the same effect on me… putting a smile on my face. Thank you for being awesome!

The Spartan Way characteristic of the month for February was personal accountability, and as I reflected on what that entails I had a few thoughts I’d like to share with you. It seems to me that our world is embarking on a trend which is to find someone else to blame when things do not go our way, and that is a dangerous mindset. Instead of looking first for someone else to blame (teacher, parent, boss, coach), ask yourself what you could do to be more prepared in the future? If I did poorly on a test my parents always asked me what I needed to do to prepare better for the next one. I, of course, wanted to blame it on the teaching style, wording of the questions… anything but lack of preparation.

CC Xenja Santarelli via Compfight

We are all accountable for our own actions, and looking for someone else to blame may make us feel better, but it does not help us improve moving forward. There will always be people who will get the job done on their own without making excuses, who will overcome whatever hurdles are thrown their way, and who will work hard enough to succeed even in the most difficult of circumstances. If someone is going to do it, it might as well be you… and each of you has the ability to do it if you get to work. Failures are not a reason to give up… they are a reason to work harder so that you can eventually succeed. There is no magic switch or red carpet rolled out in front of you to make it easy, but there is also no barrier that holds you back other than yourself. Hold yourself personally accountable to doing the things that are required to be successful, and you will find that life will open many more doors for you. There is no guarantee that life will be easy, but working hard increases the likelihood that tomorrow will present increased reasons to smile.

Have a great day, Garden Spot! Y’all rock!

Mr. Cox