Thoughts from Mr. Cox – Homecoming Week!

Good morning Garden Spot, it is a great day to be a Spartan!

Thank you for always being a ray of sunshine in our lives… it has always been interesting to me the propensity I have to dwell on the things in my life that are not as I wish they would be. I have found that to enjoy each day I need to take a moment to consider all the things that I do have. In a world where a large portion of the world’s population live without heat or air conditioning, without fresh water, without hot water, and with the need to work each day just to get something to eat… not to buy a phone, a car, a video game console, a pair of shoes, etc… I find that reminding myself of how lucky I am to have those things helps to keep perspective and get me out of a negative mindset. They are things that we often take for granted, but having access to those things allow us to be upset about things that in the big picture of life truly do not matter. If you have little food and water, you tend to not get upset about the little things because there are much more pressing issues in your life.


  • The end of quarter 1 is rapidly approaching, and I encourage you to be sure that you are touching base with your teachers regarding your grades and what can be done to improve them if they are not where you want them to be. If you are keeping your grades up, I encourage you to finish the quarter strong. Please remember that your quarter 1 grades will be used for quarter 2 iSpartan placements for days 5-10. Ninth grade students will begin placements during quarter 2, and will no longer be returning to homeroom.
  • October 14, 2015 – PSAT / Challenge of the Classes – All Juniors will be taking the PSAT’s. If your parents have updated the Student Information Portal, you are permitted to report after PSAT testing for our Challenge of the Classes (you will need to report by 11:00 am to your homeroom). If they have not, you are expected to report to school by 7:32 am.
  • October 16, 2015 – Pep Rally (Modified Schedule)
  • October 17, 2015 -Homecoming Dance

Teacher Spotlight:

  • This week I would like to spotlight all of the support staff we have in our school. Our classroom aides, custodians, office assistants, cafeteria staff, technology department, and all other support staff are truly the best of the best. They come to work every day and pour themselves into making our school a better place to be for each of you. It may be easy to overlook their importance because they often work behind the scenes, but without them this school would not function. Take a moment this week to thank them for their role in making Garden Spot a great place to be, and for contributing to the positive environment that has been established here.

Personal Challenge:

Train Tracks
Image from Flickr

Life is like two parallel train tracks, not a series of peaks and valleys. Often it feels like when things are going well, everything is going well… or when things are going bad, everything goes bad. That is rarely the case though. In the midst of the really bad times, there is good, and in the midst of the really good times there is bad. Hence the two parallel train tracks. Both good and bad will always be present in your life, your ability to enjoy each day will be determined by which track you decide to ride on. If you ride on the bad, it will consume your mind and you will be unable to see the good. Interestingly enough, if you ride on the good it will not mean that you are not hurt or bothered by the bad, but it helps to keep it in perspective.

An important part of keeping life in perspective is also an ability to acknowledge the areas where we were wrong, and go about doing what it takes to make them right. Say you’re sorry when you need to say you’re sorry, and assure that you treat everyone you come in contact with the same way you would want to be treated. If we conduct ourselves in this manner it reflects selflessness, integrity, respect, a pursuit of excellence, personal accountability, and compassion – these character traits are all part of the Spartan Way, and are traits that, if applied to our lives, will provide a greater likelihood of enjoying our interactions with each other on a daily basis.

Understanding that life is a matter of perspective is important, and I challenge you to consider all of the things that you do have… you make our lives better, and you are one of the many things that put a smile on our face each morning.

Rock the day, and enjoy the week ahead!

Mr. Cox

Assistant Principal
Garden Spot High School

Thoughts from Mr. Cox – Sept. 8

Good morning Garden Spot,

I hope you had a great extended weekend, and were able to relax and enjoy some time with family and friends. I wanted to thank you for such an awesome start to the school year. I am so impressed with how positive, upbeat, and respectful you are. It has been great getting to see the new faces of the class of 2019, and to watch the kindness of the Sophomore, Junior, and Senior classes as we welcome them into our building. I can’t imagine that there is a finer group of young men and women anywhere. I look forward to getting to see all of you in the morning. Y’all are great… keep on rockin’!


The outside lunch area will be open beginning this week. Please remember to clean up after yourselves if you eat outside, and to travel only in the 400 wing hallway between the main entrance to the cafeteria and the exit to the outside courtyard. This is a privilege that we have been happy to extend to the student body in the past, and it has always been handled responsibly. Please continue to behave responsibly so we can offer the outdoors as an option for you during your lunch.

Teacher Spotlight:

I would like to take a moment to extend a warm welcome to a talented bunch of new staff. We are excited to have them all on board, and to see how their skills will help to continually improve the education we offer each of you. Take a moment today to thank a new staff member for their decision to get into education, and confirm with your words and actions that they have made the right decision for their careers.

Personal Challenge:

I am going to write about some behavioral issues that always seem to pop up at the beginning of each school year. For any of you that have been in Mr. Sanger’s or my office, you have probably heard us say that we would prefer to have your behavior improve as a result of our conversation as it is not our desire to discipline anyone. While there are some things that are severe enough to warrant disciplinary action immediately, most things can be articulated in a way that the expected behavior moving forward is clear, and no disciplinary action is necessary. One of the most common things I hear in my office has to do with arguments between students. Both sides generally claim that their behavior is warranted because the other person has wronged them in some way… this is usually the beginning of some sort of back and forth between two or more individuals, a back and forth that will only stop if one person decides to be the bigger person. I generally hear from both sides that they want the drama to stop, but rarely do I hear that they understand the reality of the situation they are in… the reality that they are the one who has the ability to stop it. It cannot be predicated on the other side stopping first, because if that is the case then the drama will never stop because both sides have the same philosophy (they will only stop if the other person stops first)… it has to be a decision of one side to rise above the drama. It frustrates me that the things you all see and hear on TV, in your music, and generally from the “get famous at all costs” crowd that the internet and star studded Hollywood crowd have lifted up as being important, are things that make being selfish seem like the normal way to behave… that being rude and having constant drama ultimately leads to success (as most of the reality TV stars have become famous for). Most of the time that doesn’t get you far in life…

Image from Flickr

I am encouraging each of you to live your lives in a way that gains real respect from the people around you, not fake respect because people are afraid of what you might do to or say about them. Real respect is based on people knowing you to be a person of solid character and integrity, a person they can rely on to be kind when they are weak, to be trustworthy in their interactions with you, to be fair, and to care more about others than you do about yourselves. Hold yourselves accountable to doing the right thing even when others around you may not. The bottom line is rather simple… two rights do not make a wrong, life is not always fair, and the only person responsible for your actions is you. There will be people that make life difficult for the rest of your life, but only you have the power to decide to stay away from the drama, or to enter into it. Be a person who others want to be around, but also respect. It’s not about being the life of the party, or the class clown… those things quickly fade as others move on with their lives… It is about being a good person, and that will generally take you far in life.

So, while the emphasis above was mainly on your behavior, the bigger picture is that the message applies to all of your life. The only one who can improve your current condition is you. If it is bad, or filled with drama every day and coming at you from every direction, just know that pointing fingers and blaming others, and responding to others with the same crap they may have thrown at you, does not make tomorrow any better, nor does it allow you to be any happier. We all need to understand that if we do not treat others the way we want to be treated, or give others the same grace for their behaviors that we want others to extend to us when we mess up, then we cannot expect that our relationships and the day to day struggles interacting with others will get any simpler. We need to understand that if we do not work hard, then we cannot expect that things we have not worked for will be given to us. While it is nice to have support when you are down, if you have not worked hard to achieve something, you cannot be frustrated that you have not achieved it. This applies to sports, musical instruments, skate boarding, school, relationships… well, it pretty much applies to life.

Effort breeds achievement in both your relationships and your academics. Get your priorities in line, and start working hard to produce a better tomorrow for yourself. Be a person that treats others well even when they may not deserve it. Be a person that doesn’t make excuses for their current situation, but always keeps their head high and works hard to make the best out of whatever life throws at them. You deserve it, you are the only one who can make it happen, and I believe in your ability to do just that!
Have a great week ladies and gentlemen,

Mr. Cox

Assistant Principal
Garden Spot High School


A Glimmer of Hope…

Last week, the Conestoga Valley School District was once again shaken by the sudden death of a beloved colleague and friend, Mr. Pritchard. Mr. Pritchard served Conestoga Valley High School for 10 years as an assistant principal and was well-respected in the administrative ranks around the county. As the district and the surrounding communities grieve his passing, it is important to celebrate the life and legacy that has positively impacted so many young people.

Having lost two faculty members at GSHS in the last three years, I am once again reminded of the scene in the Lord of the Rings: Return of the King, when Gandalf speaks to Pippin about the journey that is death. It is a touching reminder that offers a glimmer of hope in a time of distress and an assurance that our colleagues and friends are in a better place.

My thoughts and prayers go out to the Pritchard family and the Conestoga Valley School District.

Welcome Back!!!

Good morning Garden Spot!

Welcome Back!!!
Welcome Back!!!

As I write this, we are on the doorstep of another great year and Mr. Sanger and I couldn’t be happier to welcome you back. We often found ourselves waiting by the front doors on Monday mornings this summer hoping that the buses would arrive… and now that time is here! Seeing each of you brightens our day, and we are excited to have the privilege of welcoming you back once again.

It is very important to us that all of the adults in our building speak into your lives in a way that ensures you know how much you matter to us. Most of you would acknowledge that those we are willing to work hardest for, and are least likely to want to let down, are those who believe in us the most. That is what we are constantly working toward as a staff, and that is what you can rely on from us every day. We will be a place that you can count on to be consistent and fair, and to support you with respect, high expectations of your behavior and academic performance, and genuine concern for your success in the future… we will be a place that believes in you, and where you know that you matter. Thank you for joining us for another great year… life is better when you are all here! It’s a great day to be a Spartan!

Have an awesome first week!

Mr. Cox

Assistant Principal
Garden Spot High School

Ryan Sherman Fundraiser

Good morning,

I am writing to let you know of an opportunity to support Ryan Sherman and his family with the medical bills and other costs associated with the care, travel, and missed work associated with his hospital stay. For those who may not know Ryan, he is a student at the high school and was recently struck by a motorist as he was skateboarding.

There was a chicken barbecue that had been planned to support the Relay For Life event that is coming up in our community, and they have decided to split the profits from the chicken barbecue half and half between funds for Ryan and his family and the Relay For Life. Please see the flyer below for additional information about the event on Saturday, June 6th from 10 am – 2pm.


Have a great day,

Mr. Cox

Assistant Principal
Garden Spot High School

GSHS Students Excel at the Congressional Art Show

Julia Irvin presented with Overall Winner Award by Congressman Joe Pitts
Julia Irvin presented with Overall Winner Award by Congressman Joe Pitts

The Congressional Art Show is a nationwide competition open to high school students. Garden Spot High School participated in the 16th Congressional District hosted by Congressman Joseph Pitts. Artwork and Photographs were judged and selected by three teachers, Toni Myers, Katie Diorio and Todd Reitnouer, for entry into the show. Twelve of our students participated and all were recognized at the reception by receiving a Congressional Art Certificate.

Julia Irvin was selected as the overall winner. Her work will hang in the Cannon Tunnel that leads to our nation’s Capitol in Washington DC. She and her family will be invited to a reception in their honor in Washington, DC in June to see her work on display in the tunnel along with other top winners from around the country.

Congratulations to Julia as the top winner for this year’s Congressional Art Show! Congratulations to all of our students chosen to participate in this year’s show. Congressman Pitts’ mentioned that he had received many compliments from residents of Garden Spot Village on the high quality of art in this year’s exhibit.

Thoughts from Mr. Cox – May 8

GS Students,

Every day with each of you is like a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day… Thank you for being you, and bringing a smile to my face!

I had the privilege of getting to chaperone another prom this past Saturday evening. I was so impressed with how well behaved all of the students were, and enjoyed the fun that they had enjoying this night together. I am so proud of everyone that attended, and reminded yet again of how proud I am to be able to work with such awesome individuals. Thank you for being so great!

Also during this past week my oldest son turned 10 years old… my goodness how time flies. Another reminder of the importance of enjoying the time we have, and filling it with things that will make tomorrow better. We went to a Barnstormers game and for one night I let him stay up late, eat a lot of junk food, and be as loud as he wanted. It was a really cool night.


  • As the school year winds down and the weather improves, please be sure that your attire at school is not in violation of the dress code. Also, hold yourselves accountable to continuing to abide by the expectations as they relate to earbuds/headphones, hats, and phones. You all know the expectations, and no one should have to ask you to abide by them.

Teacher Spotlight:

  • Today signals the end of Teacher Appreciation Week… I would like to personally extend my gratitude and thanks to the staff at our high school. They are passionate and enthusiastic, and role models for all of you. They hold themselves accountable to the high expectations we have for each of you, and devote their time and energy to inspiring each of you be the best you can be with the desire to leave a meaningful impact on your life. Please take a moment today to personally thank your teachers in person, or through an email of gratitude.

Personal Challenge:

There are so many people who seem to be able to justify poor actions and decisions by lamenting about how someone else did something wrong first. That is such a weak argument. People will never stop being mean, or saying and doing thoughtless things. That is a truth about life… no matter where you go, there will be mean and thoughtless people. If we accept that it makes sense for us to give them what they deserve when they behave in this manner, than our entire world will be full of mean, thoughtless people. It is absolutely necessary that good people join together and stand up for things that can bring healing, peace, and a real satisfaction, enjoyment, and fulfillment in life.

Yes there bad in the world, and yes some bad things have been happening, but the question we should all ask ourselves before acting is whether or not of our response will bring about a solution that improves the situation. Be a source of good… be a person who makes the place you are in better… be a person who gives others the benefit of the doubt, understanding that life is tough, and some of the toughest people to get along with are the ones who need your forgiveness and patience the most. Be a person who works hard, treats others well, doesn’t give up when things get tough, keeps their head up when times are tough… and always remember that the only way that life will get better is if you do things that have a chance of making tomorrow better.

Two wrongs do not make a right (give others better than they deserve), life is not always fair (even when you do everything right, bad things can still happen) , and the only person responsible for your actions is you (don’t place the blame on others when what you are currently reaping is the result of what you have sown). My challenge to you is to be honest with yourself about how well you do at the three things listed in the previous sentence, and then work toward growing in those areas.

Keep on rockin’!

Mr. Cox

Assistant Principal
Garden Spot High School


Fundraiser for Summer Vietnam Trip

GSHS Students bound for Vietnam in Summer of 2015

Want a day out of the kitchen? Buy a chicken BBQ meal and help support the kids going to Vietnam! There will be a chicken BBQ fundraiser on Friday, May 8th from 2:30 -5:30 in Community Hall. Meals include 2 BBQ boneless chicken thighs, cheesy potatoes, applesauce, and a roll and cost $8.00. Anyone interested in purchasing meals can pre-order from one of the students or email Mark Leaman at or me at Orders and money need to placed by Friday, May 1st. Checks can be made out to ELANCO.

For more information about their trip, visit 

Thoughts from Mr. Cox – April 20

Good morning Garden Spot!

I have had a tremendous couple of weeks getting to enjoy spending time with some of you at the Dodgeball Tournament, and watching the talent of others at one of the showings of Bye, Bye Birdie. It is so awesome to get to work with so many wonderful young men and women. You make my life better, and I appreciate the time we get to spend together. Thank you for sharing of yourselves to make Garden Spot a better place. It is awesome getting to see you in a different setting.

As an aside, the more staff and students that show up, the more fun events like these become. Come to the plays and musicals to support your friends, come to the sporting events, come to the dances and other special events… You just may find that you enjoy it, and that you meet some pretty neat people. If you’re sitting around complaining about how bad of a place New Holland is to live, or that there is nothing to do around here, consider that perhaps you are just not giving the things that are available a chance.

The more you show up, the closer we become… the closer we become as a community, the more supportive we will be of each other… the more supportive we are of each other, the easier it becomes to make it through difficult times. There will be times in all of our lives where we need the support of others… let’s really work at doing things together so that we build a community that lifts itself up and does not let those who are struggling struggle alone.


  • If you plan on eating lunch in the outside lunch area, please remember that you are only permitted to exit through the middle doors of the main cafeteria, and travel down the 400 wing hallway on your way outside. The same is true if you return to the cafeteria. You expected to only use the 400 wing hallway, and enter through the middle doors of the main cafeteria. Thank you for your cooperation.
  • There will be a mandatory pre-administration meeting for those taking any AP Exam on Thursday, April 23 beginning at 12:30 in Community Hall. If you are taking an AP exam, please plan on attending. If you are a 9th or 10th grader taking an AP exam, please let your iSpartan teacher know that you will be eating ‘A’ lunch on Thursday so that you can attend this meeting.

Teacher Spotlight:

  • Ms. Martin and Mr. Fitz put in endless hours working with a large group of our students to put on one of the best musicals I have ever seen. If you were a part of Bye, Bye Birdie I am sure you have taken the time to thank them for their time and efforts. Both of these individuals devote equally as much time an effort into making their classrooms and our school a better place, and I encourage each of you who currently have them as teachers, or have had them in the past, to take a moment to express your gratitude for all of their efforts. They put their heart and soul into their jobs, and they do it because they believe in each of you… thank you Ms. Martin and Mr. Fitz!

Personal Challenge:

I have had several students comment recently to me that we don’t really care about our students, just their grades. While I fundamentally disagree with that statement, if that is the perception among some students I feel it necessary to state my perspective.

We wholeheartedly do not believe that the value you have in this world is attached to your grades. You are important whether you are the best student, or the worst student. The reality is, however, that if we genuinely care about you we will hold you accountable to the things that will help you to have the best and most fulfilling future you can possibly have, and your performance academically is directly tied to the options available to you in the future, and the overall skills that are important in being a responsible father, mother, spouse, employee, and everything else that you will find is expected of you as an adult. Academic performance is also directly connected to a persons well-being, their health, their future earning potential, and just about everything else you can think of that would be on a list of things that are desirable in the future.

Those who rate themselves as having the greatest satisfaction in life tend to perform better in school. Why is that? Perhaps those individuals have learned the importance of working hard at everything they do, and as a result have a greater sense of pride and accomplishment because working hard at everything you do brings about more successes. Or perhaps it is because doing well at things has a way of bringing about a sense of pride, confidence, and belief in one self that makes you feel better about your current position in life.

So which comes first? Well, the research indicates that it does not matter which comes first. In other words, those who enter school each day feeling good about themselves tend to do better in school… that is a no brainer. Conversely, those who enter with lower ratings of personal life satisfaction show an improvement in life satisfaction the better they perform academically. The relationship is clear. The better you do at the things that should be priorities in life, the better you feel about life. The better husband or wife you are, the better your spouse treats you and the happier your marriage is. The better father or mother you are, the better your relationships with your kids and the greater your satisfaction at home. The better employee you are, the better your interactions with your boss, and in this case our students, and the greater satisfaction you experience at your work. Those things are undeniable, and yet there is still an inclination as a teenager to not place priorities on the things that will lead to greater satisfaction in life.

It is our job as adults who are only in your life for a short period of time to guide you, talk with you about life, and encourage you to be the best that you can be… and we do it because we care. None of these things are easy, but life is not going to be easy. If we tell you through our words and actions that they do not matter by allowing poor performance without doing anything to push you to do better, we are in fact showing you how little we care. It would be much easier to just let all of you do whatever you want, when you want to do it, without holding anyone accountable for their performance or behavior, but we are not into the path of least resistance, we are into making a difference in your lives. If we care, we hold you accountable to things that will allow you to have the best possible future, while also assuring that you know you are valued.

If no one is telling you that school is important, or holding you accountable to doing well in school, then there is something missing from your life, and the adults surrounding you every day in school are charged with calling you to something greater in both our words and actions. To those of you who are doing well… keep it up. To those of you who are not, please hear these words and understand that they are not an attack on you, but rather written in the hope that you see the truth in them and decide to take the steps necessary to improving your future condition. You deserve it, but only you are capable of doing what is necessary to attain it.

Keep being awesome!

Mr. Cox

Assistant Principal
Garden Spot High School

The Importance of Extracurricular Activities

This week Garden Spot High School celebrates the accomplishments of the Spartan Rifle team that recently won the Lancaster-Lebanon League Championship! Congratulations! Led by “Marksman of the Year”, Julia Irvin, the Spartans posted their best record in over 30 years with 11 wins and 1 loss. You can read all about the team’s exciting finish to the season at Lancaster Online.

As I followed the team’s success throughout the course of the year, I was reminded of how fortunate I was to play on several championship teams throughout my high school and college athletic career. While those accolades do not make me anything special, those experiences certainly taught me something special about the team concept and the importance of accountability. These experiences have made me a better principal, colleague, husband, and father.

One of the most memorable athletic experiences I had was in college while playing a small role on a pretty impressive “team”. You can read about my experience by clicking here. Ultimately, our expectation of excellence as a member of that “team” has followed us in our career paths. Daron (the holder) is now President and CEO of Rosie Pope Maternity, and he has frequented such TV shows as Bravo’s Pregnant in Heels. Brett (the kicker) is now a Tournament Director for the PGA, and he was recently named the Tournament Director of the 2016 Ryder Cup. As for me (the long snapper), I am fortunate enough, as principal, to lead a group of students and staff to similar successes in life as my teammates and I enjoyed as a result of our experience in college.

Only time will tell of the importance this championship has had on the members of our Rifle team, and I cannot wait to read about it! Again, congratulations to the Spartan Rifle team! It’s a great day to be a Spartan!